Current Headlines - from all over the orienteering world

27.08: Daniel Hubmann

EM-Silber in Ungarn

Vor gut einer Woche zeigte ich mich in Ungarn in alter Stärke und lief über die Lan...
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27.08: Daniel Hubmann Facebook

It`s a big satisfaction to look back at the European Ori...

Its a big satisfaction to look back at the European Orienteering Championships 2024, where I won my ...
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10.09: Yannick Michiels Facebook

Building 📈 Last weeks has been busy but got some soli...

Building 📈 Last weeks has been busy but got some solid training in the legs. Aiming for some...
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02.09.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:43 - Swiss Orienteering

Weltcup-Final und CISM: Das sind die Schweizer Teams

Das Selektionsgremium von Swiss Orienteering hat entschieden, wer am Weltcup-Final im finnischen Kuopio und an den Militär-Weltmeisterschaften (CISM) in Cartagena (Spanien) in die Schweiz vertret ...
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10:57 - Danish O-Federation

Månedens træning - september

Månedens Træning– September 2024 Tak for den gode feedback på den første træning for august måned. Vi vil fortsat arbejde med basisfærdigheder i denn ...
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08:30 - Finnish Orienteering Federation

Enossa kilpailtiin viikonloppuna tarkkuussuunnistuksen SM-kil...

Tarkkuussuunnistuksen SM-normaalikilpailu koostui lauantain ja sunnuntain osakilpailuiden yhteistuloksista. SM-kullan pokkasi Turun Metsänkävijöiden Juha Hiirsalmi täysillä pi ...
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08:00 - Finnish Orienteering Federation

URA-säätiön opiskeluapurahat lukuvuodelle 2024...

Urheilijoiden Ammattienedistämissäätiö (URA) myöntää vuosittain opiskeluapurahoja kansainvälistä menestystä tavoittelevien tai aktiiviuransa jo pä ...
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07:32 - Swedish O-Federation

Dubbelt Stockholm på Distriktsstafetten

Traditionsenligt avslutades USM-helgen med distriktsstafett. 78 lag kom till start i Härnösandsterrängen och för Stockholms orienteringsungdomar blev det en jubelti ...
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04:42 - Swedish O-Federation

William Rex och Anders Höije svenska mästar...

I helgen arrangerades SM-tävlingar i PreO på norsk mark. Tävlingarna arrangerades i närheten av Hamar av rutinerade orienterare från Löten O-lag o ...
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  MTB-O AI MONDIALI IN BULGARIA ORO PER IRIS ... 20240910-1240 - Italian O-Federation
  SPETTACOLARE SFIDA AZZURRA AL PASSO ROLLE N... 20240908-1903 - Italian O-Federation
  TRAIL-O: DOVE ERAVAMO RIMASTI.. SI RIPARTE ... 20240905-2111 - Italian O-Federation
  WTOC2025: AZZURRI PRONTI PER IL CAMP IN UNG... 20240905-1606 - Italian O-Federation
  Hungária Kupa 20240904-1743 - O-Schwaben
  World Masters 20240901-1548 - O-Schwaben
  NORVEGIA E SVIZZERA VINCONO LA RELAY. ITALI... 20240820-2209 - Italian O-Federation
  #EOC2024: NELLA LONG IL MIGLIOR AZZURRO E\&... 20240818-1726 - Italian O-Federation
01.09.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:28 -

Léto u konce. Co se v o-rybníčku...

Vzbudil/a ses z letního spánku? Tak to je škoda, protože se v létě toho stalo opravdu hodně. Přišli jsme o dvě reprez ...
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19:00 - Team USA

Select Analyses of Canadian Champs Middle

In early August, several US team and YDP members wandered into the great city of Mansfield, ON to spook the Canadians at their own championships in preparation for NAOC. The middle and long were WREs, ...
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18:26 - Czech O-Federation

Cenu východních Čech vyhráli Kulha...

3-denní závody Cena východních Čech měly letos na pořadu již 39. ročník, který uspořádal OK Lokomotiva Pa ...
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17:49 - Czech O-Federation

Interkompas vyhráli Škáchová a Bo...

Třídenní závody Interkompas 50 uspořádali pořadatelé ze Spolku Orientačních Sportů Jindřichův Hradec, kte& ...
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17:23 - Czech O-Federation

West Cup v Nejdku

 12. ročník 3-denních závodů West Cup, který pořádal Nejdek Orienteering, měl centrum závodu v Nejdku. Na startu bylo v&iacu ...
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17:13 - Swedish O-Federation

Tuff långdistans avslutade Veteran-SM

Under söndagen avgjordes den sista tävlingen i Veteran-SM i nordöstra Uppland. Över 900 veteraner deltog i tävlingen och kämpade om medaljerna i o ...
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14:48 - Swedish O-Federation

Tove Alexandersson och Max Peter Bejmer SM-guldvinnare i l&am...

Tove Alexandersson, Stora Tuna OK gjorde det igen. För nionde gången stod hon överst på pallen när långdistansen i SM avgjordes. Avstånde ...
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14:03 - Finnish Orienteering Federation

Miika Kirmula ja Venla Harju suunnistuksen SM-pitkän mat...

Kalevan Rastin Miika Kirmula ja Tampereen Pyrinnön Venla Harju suunnistivat pitkän matkan SM-kultaa Ruokalahden Lökkiöllä.
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11:05 - Swiss Orienteering

Aebersold und Kyburz über die Langdistanz am schnellsten

Simona Aebersold und Matthias Kyburz heissen die Siegerin beziehungsweise der Sieger des heutigen Langdistanz-Selektionslaufs in Finnland. Zusammen mit der Mitteldistanz am Vortag zählen die L&au ...
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08:09 - Finnish Orienteering Federation

Teemu Niskanen tarkkuussuunnistuksen SM-tempon mestari

Selkien Sisu järjesti lauantaina tarkkuussuunnistuksen SM-kilpailut Enossa Kaltimon kanavan maisemissa Pielisjoen varrella.
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31.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:11 - Swedish O-Federation

Fina USM-tävlingar i Härnösand

Två fina USM-tävlingar har arrangerats av Härnösands OK på fredagen och lördagen. I morgon väntar distriktsstafetten som avslutning p& ...
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12:49 - Finnish Orienteering Federation

SM-pitkän matkan karsinnat suunnistettiin Ruokolahdella

Osa SM-pitkän matkan sarjoista karsi osallistujat sunnuntain finaaleihin.
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10:35 - Swiss Orienteering

Natalia Gemperle und Fabian Aebersold gewinnen Selektionslauf...

Dieses Wochenende entscheidet sich, wer am diesjährigen Weltcup-Final und den Militär-Weltmeiserschaften (CISM)die Schweiz vertreten wird. Die heutige Mitteldistanz - der ersten von zwei Wet ...
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09:33 - Swedish O-Federation

Utmanande sprint i fin miljö inledde Veteran-SM-helg...

Fredagskvällen i Öregrund bjöd på en fin inledning på OK Rodhens Veteran-SM-helg. Deltagarna fick möta på varierade sprintbanor i t&# ...
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06:01 - Danish O-Federation

DOF ansætter to nye U18 landstrænere

DOF og vores unge landshold får to nye trænere fra den 1. september: DOF kan fra 1. september byde velkommen til to nye U18 landstrænere. Det er nyt at vi har et team, men vi har va ...
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30.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:42 - Austrian O-Federation

Selektionen MTBO WM und JWM

Hiermit gibt der Verband die Selektionen für die MTBO WM und JWM in Bulgarien bekannt (Stand: 30. August 2024).   Folgende Athlet*innen haben sich selektioniert: Damen Elite Jana Hnilica ...
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12:12 - Swedish O-Federation

Ny OLA-version med ny steg för steg-guide

En ny version av OLA, version 6.4.12, har släppts. Den har ett 10-tal förbättringar och buggrättningar, de flesta med fokus på stafett. I tillägg ...
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11:05 - French Orienteering Federation

Les sélectionnés en équipe de France de ...

  La liste des sportifs sélectionnés en Equipe de France de CO à pied Juniors pour la Junior European Cup est en ligne sur le site fédéral ...
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09:21 - Judith Wyder Facebook

OCC - 56km/ +3400m / 6.00.05 / 🥈 What a day! My long...

OCC - 56km/ +3400m / 6.00.05 / 🥈 What a day! My longest race and run so far. I am extremely happy and grateful to be able to run such a distance and deliver such a race on one of the most imp ...
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09:06 - Swedish O-Federation

Ungdoms-SM lockar över 400 deltagare till Hä...

En av årets mest tävlingsintensiva mästerskapshelger väntar till helgen. Bland annat bjuder Härnösands OK in till Ungdoms-SM vilket är en ...
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28.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:05 - Czech O-Federation

Tři vícedenní závody

V závěru posledního prázdninového týdne jsou připraveny tři 3-denní závody.
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12:47 - French Orienteering Federation

Les sélectionnés en équipe de France de ...

  La liste des sportifs sélectionnés en Equipe de France de CO à pied pour la dernière étape de coupe du monde (manches 8 à 10)&nbs ...
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11:31 - Swedish O-Federation

Fullspäckad SM-helg väntar

Till helgen väntar en fullspäckad SM-helg för både orienteringslöpning och PreO, där tävlingarna avgörs i Norge.
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07:54 - Czech Orienteering Team

ME: Křivda po roce na lesním šampion&aacu...

Po loňské „bramboře na lesním MS ve Švýcarsku dokázal Tomáš Křivda na největší lesní akci leto&scaro ...
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06:42 - Swedish O-Federation

Svårt läge för svensk totalseger i...

Efter EM i Ungern så har Norges Kasper Harlem Fosser tagit över ledningen i världscupen med stor marginal till tvåan Martin Regborn och trean Emil Svensk. P ...
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06:04 - Swiss Orienteering

OLC Kapreolo gewinnt die 66. Fünferstaffel, OL Regio Wil...

Bereits zum 5. Mal in der 67-jährigen Geschichte der nationalen Fünferstaffel, traf sich die OL-Schweiz am vergangenen Sonntag im Egg-Platten Wehntal zur Durchführung DER Clubstaffel sc ...
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27.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:30 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

⏰️ EOC 2025 🇧🇪 Exactly one year...

⏰️ EOC 2025 🇧🇪 Exactly one year until the European Sprint Orienteering Championships in Belgium. Still a bit unreal to have this international event so close to home but ...
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14:20 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

It's a big satisfaction to look back at the European Orie...

Its a big satisfaction to look back at the European Orienteering Championships 2024, where I won my 6th medal in my 7th EOC long distance. Some words about it on my webpage: But n ...
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09:58 - Daniel Hubmann

EM-Silber in Ungarn

Vor gut einer Woche zeigte ich mich in Ungarn in alter Stärke und lief über die Langdistanz zu EM-Silber. Dazu gab es mit der Staffel die Bronzemedaille. Es war eine grosse Genugtuu ...
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00:08 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Finnish Relay League and Danish Champs!

This episode is a short one with some updates, Finnish Relay League and Danish Champs! Enjoy listening and use the code IvarNat20 to get 20% of at Noname webshop!
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26.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:28 - Swiss Orienteering

Neues Kartenverzeichnis OmapCH

Die Fachgruppe Karten hat in den letzten Monaten intensiv an einem neuen Kartenverzeichnis gearbeitet. Nun ist dieses fertiggestellt und online verfügbar.
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25.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:06 - Czech O-Federation

V Českém ráji nejlepší Posp...

Proběhly 3-denní závody Pěkné prázdniny s orientačním během v Českém ráji. V elitních kategoriích vyhr ...
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18:00 - Team USA

Studying up: World University Champs

A note from the editor: This will likely be longer than your average blog post. I have condensed and taken creative liberties from our wonderful young athletes. But if you didn’t want them to write, ...
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16:22 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

Back on the international stage. 🏃🏾‍&...

Back on the international stage. 🏃🏾‍♂️ 8th place in the Long Distance at the European Orienteering Championships in Hungary 🇭🇺 After missing World Cha ...
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13:25 - Danish O-Federation

Hedvig Valbjørn Gydesen og Elias Hinge Krogsgaard dans...

Efter tre intensive runder i henholdsvis herre- og dameklassen, kunne Elias Hinge Krogsgaard, Silkeborg OK og Hedvig Valbjørn Gydesen, OK Melfar, modtage dagens guldmedaljer som danske mestre i ...
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24.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
05:59 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

Highlights of my silver medal run at the European Orienteerin...

Highlights of my silver medal run at the European Orienteering Championships 2024 in Hungary 🇹🇯 🎥 by International Orienteering Federation
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00:41 - On The Red Line

EOC24 Relays

Lucy Walker about to start the final leg. Lucy ran for a non-competitive mixed (IOF) team, with Emma Louise Arnesen and Kaja Winsnes N ...
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23.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:16 - Halden SK Elite

Ines Berger er Europamester i stafett!

Fra 16.-20.august var det EM i orientering i Ungarn med mellomdistanse på lørdag, langdistanse søndag og stafett tirsdag. Halden SK hadde 11 (!) løpere fra 9 ulike nasjoner ...
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13:40 - Czech Orienteering Team

Prázdninové soustředění v Mo...

Stejně jako každý rok i letos jsme v rámci prázdninového soustředění vyrazili do Švédska. Hlavním cílem té ...
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22.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:44 - Australian O-Federation

World Cup 3 Results & Recap

Australia had a team of 5 athletes competing in World Cup Round 3 in Mór, Hungary from 16-20 August. The post World Cup 3 Results & Recap first appeared on Orienteering Australia.
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14:03 - Czech O-Federation

Tomáš Křivda a Tereza Rauturier v TOP 10

Světový pohár v orientačním běhu má za sebou tři série.
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10:45 - Czech O-Federation

Pěkné prázdniny v Českém r&a...

V závěru týdne proběhnou další prázdninové vícedenní závody ve skalách. Pořadatelé z oddílu o ...
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21.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:34 - International O-Federation

World Cup: Fosser takes over lead after EOC, Aebersold remain...

The just ended European Championships in Hungary didn’t just give us three exciting and tough races. We also found out who has the best chances to win the 2024 Orienteering World Cup, which ...
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09:24 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

Bronce medal in the relay🥉🙌 It's been an ...

Bronce medal in the relay🥉🙌 Its been an amazing European Orienteering Championships 2024 in Hungary and it was great to finish it with a medal together with the teammates! 📸 b ...
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05:00 - World of O

EOC 2024 Relay: Analysis, Maps and Results

Norway’s men and Switzerland’s women won the European Orienteering Championships (EOC) relay in Hungary. Silver and bronze went to Sweden and Switzerland in the men’s cl ...
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00:30 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

European Champs 2024!

First some news and about Norwegian Champs Ultra long, then from 11 minutes and rest of the episode is all about European Champs in Hungary! All the analyses, interviews with the biggest profiles of t ...
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20.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
17:34 - Czech O-Federation

Štafety na ME v Maďarsku - muži pát...

Závěrečným závodem na ME v Maďarsku byly štafety. Výborně zaběhla česká štafeta mužů, která obsa ...
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17:01 - International O-Federation

EOC: Norway defends men’s relay title, Switzerland ...

Norway’s men defended their relay title and Switzerland took the women’s gold when the European Orienteering Championships came to an end on Tuesday afternoon. It was another warm day in c ...
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10:32 - Halden SK Elite

Dobbeltseier i NM ultra og flere pallplasser i NM og NC

I helgen ble Norgescup mellomdistanse (lørdag) og Norgesmesterskap Ultralangdistanse (søndag) arrangert i krevende terrengved Losby Gods i Østmarka. Arrangøren uttalte seg ...
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09:07 - Swiss Orienteering

Zwei Medaillen zum Abschluss der OL-EM

Dem Schweizer Team gelingt in der Staffel ein erfolgreicher Abschluss der OL-EM in Ungarn. Die Schweizerinnen Inès Berger, Simona Aebersold und Natalia Gemperle laufen souverän zu Gold. Da ...
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00:22 - On The Red Line

EOC24 Long

Jonny Crickmore finishes the long race, photo: William Hollowell / IOF The European Orienteering Championships in the Long or Classic ...
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19.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:19 - Swiss Orienteering

Europäische Forst-OL-Meisterschaften: Erfolgreiches klei...

Die Europäischen Forst-OL-Meisterschaften (EFOL) 2024 fanden diese Woche zum 30. Mal statt; diesmal in Olsztyn in der masurischen Seenplatte im Norden Polens. Die Schweiz war mit einem vierkö ...
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07:11 - International O-Federation

WOC 2028 in Spain, WTMBOC 2026 to Sweden and EOC 2026 in Lith...

A number of future international championships found their home, when the IOF Council met during World Orienteering Championships in Edinburgh in July. Here, the Council appointed Spain as the host of ...
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05:40 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

Wow, silver medal at the European Orienteering Championships ...

Wow, silver medal at the European Orienteering Championships 2024 long distance in Hungary! 🤩 It has been 5 years since my last individual medal in a championship race, so Im really pleased an ...
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05:00 - World of O

EOC 2024 Long: Analysis, Maps and Results

The big favourites Kasper Fosser (Norway) and Tove Alexandersson (Sweden) took clear victories at the European Orienteering Championships (EOC) Long distance in Hungary – both with a margin ...
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04:59 - Australian O-Federation

Eventor Update for Bigpond Email Addresses

Members with a registered Bigpond email address in Eventor were not receiving emails from Eventor from at least 29th July to 14th August 2024. The issue has now been resolved. The post Eventor Update ...
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18.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:41 - Team USA

Rated BG: WUOC Preparations

The BGinning  Editor’s note: Alex and Diana, the two NT members you’ll hear from in this blog post, attended the Gabrovo / Bulgaria Cup as preparation for WUOC (World University Orienteering ...
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17:47 - Swiss Orienteering

Silber für Daniel Hubmann und Simona Aebersold an der EM...

Über die Langdistanz gewinnt das Schweizer OL-Team erneut zwei Medaillen. Daniel Hubmann und Simona Aebersold laufen beide zur Silbermedaille.
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17:24 - Czech O-Federation

Klasika na ME v Maďarsku

Mistrovství Evropy v Maďarsku pokračovalo klasickou tratí. Tituly získali Tove Alexandersson a Kasper Harlem Fosser, naše dvojice Tereza Rauturie ...
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16:50 - International O-Federation

EOC: Clear long distance wins for Alexandersson and Fosser

Two of orienteering’s biggest names, Tove Alexandersson (SWE) and Kasper Fosser (NOR) convincingly won the long distance at the European Championships in Hungary. After Saturday’s toug ...
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15:22 - Czech O-Federation

Rumcajsovy míle u Valečova

Dvoudenní tříetapové závody Rumcajsovy míle 2024 se konaly v CHKO Český ráj. V ženách si pro těsné v&ia ...
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15:05 - Czech O-Federation

V pískovcích nejlepší Anna Karlov...

Třídenní závody Sandstones|Pískovce 2024 uspořádal pořádá Orientační klub Doksy s centrem Hradčany, Rals ...
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05:00 - World of O

EOC 2024 Middle: Analysis, Maps and Results

Eirik Langedal Breivik (Norway) and Simona Aebersold (Switzerland) won the European Orienteering Championships (EOC) Middle on very technical, Hungarian terrain that really challenged the runners. We ...
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17.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:57 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

9th place at the European Orienteering Championships 2024 mid...

9th place at the European Orienteering Championships 2024 middle distance. I had the legs for a medal, but not the brain. New chance tomorrow!
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17:18 - Swiss Orienteering

Schweizer Doppelsieg an der OL-EM über die Mitteldistanz

Über die Mitteldistanz verteidigt Orientierungsläuferin Simona Aebersold ihren Titel und wird erneut Europameisterin. Mit Natalia Gemperle auf Rang zwei läuft eine weitere Schweizerin a ...
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17:06 - Czech O-Federation

Krátká trať na ME v Maďarsku - Tom&...

Na Mistrovství Evropy v Maďarsku se běžela krátká trať. Skvělý výkon podal Tomáš Křivda, který skončil ...
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16:15 - International O-Federation

EOC: Norwegian surprise and Swiss title defence on Middle dis...

Norway’s Eirik Langedal Breivik caught the entire orienteering world by surprise by winning and Simona Aebersold (SUI) defended her Middle distance title as the first final at European Orienteer ...
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00:33 - On The Red Line

EOC24 Middle Final

Fiona Bunn in the Middle Final, photo: Eszter Kocsik Hot weather, some very technical controls on rocky slopes, and courses that turne ...
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16.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:44 - On The Red Line

EOC24 Middle Qualification

Nathan Lawson, photo: Eszter Kocsik The first races of this years European Champs (incorporating World Cup Round 3) proved a tough day ...
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13:46 - Czech O-Federation

Pět žen a pět mužů do fin&aacut...

Na úvod evropského šampionátu v orientačním běhu v Maďarsku se běžela kvalifikace na krátkou trať. Do finále p ...
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12:10 - International O-Federation

EOC 2024: Warm Middle qualification kicked off the championsh...

The more than 300 athletes competing at the European Orienteering Championships got their first real taste of the continental terrain in central Hungary on Friday morning, when the Middle distance qua ...
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11:55 - Swiss Orienteering

Guter Auftakt des Schweizer Teams an der EM in Ungarn

Zum Start der Orientierungslauf-EM konnte das Schweizer Team in der Mitteldistanz-Qualifikation überzeugen. Simona und Fabian Aebersold sowie Joey Hadorn siegten in ihren jeweiligen Qualifikation ...
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07:02 - Judith Wyder Facebook

We have been organizing trail running youth camps in Davos wi...

We have been organizing trail running youth camps in Davos with the support of Swiss Athletics for 4 years now - an initiative to promote trail running in the youth sector and give young runners the t ...
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02:30 - On The Red Line

WOC24 Knockout Sprint Report

Eventual runner-up Jorgen Baklid of Norway just after crossing the canal in the qualification. He was one of the athletes to choose th ...
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01:26 - On The Red Line

WOC24 Relay Report

Freddie Carcas, photo: Rob Lines An indoor arena ( a fact not publicised beforehand) was used for the start, final few controls and ta ...
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15.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:40 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

Looking forward to kick off European Orienteering Championshi...

Looking forward to kick off European Orienteering Championships 2024 tomorrow! It will be a tough challenge, but I‘m ready! 🇭🇺🏃🏻‍♂️🥵 htt ...
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17:55 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Albin Ridefelt before European Champs 2024!

Ridefelt won the middle distance under European Champs 2022 and is one of the favourites before this weekends European Champs. Here you can listen to what he thinks about what will met him and the oth ...
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16:19 - French Orienteering Federation

Suivez les championnats d'Europe à la tél&e...

  Les championnats dEurope de course dorientation débutent vendredi en Hongrie. Les courses seront retransmises en direct par Outdoor Sports Medias sur la chaîn ...
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07:42 - International O-Federation

How to follow EOC and World Cup in Hungary

In the coming days, the new European champions of Orienteering will be crowned in Hungary, and you are invited to follow closely. The three final races that also count in the 2024 Orienteering World C ...
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05:00 - World of O

EOC 2024: All You Need To Know

Challenging forest terrain, interesting routechoices and high temperatures await as European Orienteering Championships (EOC) start in Hungary on Friday with Middle Qualification. The championships c ...
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05:00 - Czech O-Federation

Sandstones|Pískovce a Rumcajsovy míle

Po více jak měsíční přestávce jsou na závěr týdne připraveny vícedenní závody. A to hned dva.
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14.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:36 - Czech Orienteering Team

ME v Maďarsku startuje. Obhájíme stř...

Letí to letí, už je to dva roky od stříbra ženské štafety z posledního evropského šampionátu. Z ní startuje v Ma ...
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17:59 - International O-Federation

CX80 to host exclusive stand at EOC in Hungary

At the European Orienteering Championships and World Cup Round 3 in Hungary, our partner CX80 will have its own stand. This event will offer an opportunity for attendees to engage with one of the lead ...
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09:53 - Czech O-Federation

Začíná ME v Maďarsku

Mistrovství Evropy v orientačním běhu (a další série Světového poháru v OB) se koná v Maďarsku. 
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08:26 - Australian O-Federation

Aylott Foundation supports junior MTBO

Orienteering Australia are pleased to announce that the Nigel Aylott Memorial Sports Foundation (NAMSF) has provided ongoing funding to support junior MTBO competitors who have been selected ...
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07:12 -

Příběh polského OB archivá&#...

Neruda nevěděl co se slamníkem, my nevíme co s orienťáckými suvenýry. Doma zavazí bedna s mapami, čísly, diplomy a me ...
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13.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:54 - International O-Federation

Warm and tough EOC to begin on Friday

The world’s best orienteers return to the forest, when the 2024 European Orienteering Championships begin in Hungary on Friday. Exactly one month after the World Orienteering Championships e ...
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08:58 - Swiss Orienteering

Internationale Eisenbahnmeisterschaften: Die Schweiz räu...

Alle vier Jahre findet die USIC-Meisterschaft der Eisenbahner*innen im Orientierungslauf statt. Zur 8. Ausgabe, die vom 8. bis 12. August 2024 im Oberengadin anlässlich des oriEngiadina ausgetrag ...
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12.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
16:13 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

La douce France 🇫🇷 12 days holiday in (South)...

La douce France 🇫🇷 12 days holiday in (South) France with my family to reload the batteries before a big year ahead. The heat made training rather tough but enjoyed running up Mont Ven ...
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15:08 - Swiss Orienteering

Andreas Sølberg wird neuer Cheftrainer des Junior*inne...

Der Norweger Andreas Sølberg übernimmt auf die neue Saison hin das Amt des Cheftrainers des Junior*innenkaders. Er tritt damit die Nachfolge von Sandra Lauenstein an, welche eine neue beru ...
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13:30 - Czech O-Federation

Soutěž na novou vizuální identitu &...

Český svaz orientačních sportů připravuje výběrové řízení  na vytvoření svého nového vizu& ...
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04:07 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Preview European Champs 2024!

Preview before the EOC this week, with all facts about what is waiting in Hungary and predictions of how will be the biggest favourites! Also talking about the Swedish Champs in Ultra long and North A ...
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00:17 - Team USA

Juniors Take Italy

This month, six young members of Team USA travelled to Trentino, Italy for a week-long training camp in the JWOC 2025 terrain. The goals of the training camp were to practice specific orienteering ski ...
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11.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:25 - Joey Hadorn

Weltcupsieg in Olten und Weltmeistertitel in Edinburgh

Ausflug in die Trail Welt in Asien. Sieg beim Heimweltcup in Olten. Ernüchternde Einzelsprint Resultate. Sieg mit der Sprintstaffel am Weltcup in Italien. Hoch und Tief an der WM in Schottland m ...
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10.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:05 - International O-Federation

WMOC Long: 12 golds for Finland on final day

World Masters Orienteering Championships 2024 came to an end on Friday, when the Long distance concluded the WMOC-week in Finland. The athletes competed west of Turku in the Finnish archipelagoes in r ...
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09.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:51 - Czech O-Federation

Dva bronzy z klasiky na MS veteránů ve Finsku

Závodem na klasické trati skončilo ve finském Turku Mistrovství světa veteránů v orientačním běhu. Čeští z&a ...
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08.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
14:21 -

Orienťák na olympiádě? Skoro.

Bude orienťák na olympiádě? To si asi ještě pár let počkáme. Nicméně už nějakou dobu se orientační b&#x ...
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07.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
23:00 - Australian O-Federation

WUOC 2024 Recap and Results

Competing in Bankso, Bulgaria this year from 1-5 August, WUOC 2024 saw 12 Australian athletes fight hard in all events. The post WUOC 2024 Recap and Results first appeared on Orienteering Australia.
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22:04 - International O-Federation

WMOC Middle: Demanding terrain for Wednesday’s fina...

The athletes at the World Masters Orienteering Championships in Finland were met with challenging courses at the middle distance final on Wednesday. The more than 3,700 participants were just like at ...
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15:30 - Czech O-Federation

Marek Prášil stříbrný na kr...

Dalším závodem, v kterém se rozdělovaly medaile na MS veteránů ve finském Turku, byla krátká trať. Jedinou českou medail ...
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14:02 - Czech Orienteering Team

Akademický šampionát – Kde jsme sa...

Dvě umístění v TOP 6 a další tři umístění v nejlepší desítce. Představení našich re ...
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06.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:16 - Czech Orienteering Team


Na startu letošních nejprestižnějších lesních závodů - Mistrovství Evropy v Maďarsku se bohužel neobjeví Lucie Dit ...
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16:14 - Czech O-Federation

MS veteránů; kvalifikace na lesní discipl...

Světový šampionát veteránů pokračoval lesní kvalifikací na krátkou a klasickou trať.
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05:20 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

I've had a good training period in hot and rough conditio...

Ive had a good training period in hot and rough conditions in Croatia. As part of it I ran the Croatia Open - Orienteering international competition, which was a nice event in a famiiar atmosphere.
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00:05 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

World University Orienteering Championship

In memory of Pasi Ikonen and Christine Lüscher-Fogtmann, some news and all the details about the WUOC in Bulgaria. Also a short preview of the Olympic Marathon where Matthias Kyburz will take par ...
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05.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:44 - Czech O-Federation

Štafety na AMS: ženy čtvrté, mu...

Závodem štafet bylo v Bulharsku zakončeno Adademické mistrovství světa v orientačním běhu. Štafeta žen Česka doběhla ...
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04.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:00 - Team USA

Sprinting ’round Edinburgh

July 8th – Evalin Some of the team (Evalin, Ricardo, Joe, Kieran) arrived in Edinburgh on July 7th and settled into a hostel near Haymarket. We started our training the next morning with some co ...
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12:58 - Czech O-Federation

Karlová a Chaloupský v TOP 10 na krátk&e...

Světový akademický šampionát v Bulharsku pokračoval závodem na krátké trati. Z českých závodníků si op ...
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11:50 - French Orienteering Federation

WMOC : Suivez les Championnats du monde Masters

  Cest le rendez-vous de lannée pour les Masters, les championnats du monde 2024 (WMOC) ont débuté en Finlande. Pas moins de 40 compétiteurs tric ...
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03.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:43 - French Orienteering Federation

La Fédération française de Course d'...

  La Fédération française de Course dOrientation était présente au Club France dans le cadre des Jeux Olympiques. Près de 250 parti ...
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06:00 - Swiss Orienteering

In Erinnerung an Christine Lüscher-Fogtmann

Swiss Orienteering trauert um die langjährige Mitarbeitende Christine Lüscher-Fogtmann. Die ehemalige Bereichsleiterin Leistungssport ist an den Folgen eines bösartigen Hirntumors verst ...
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02.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
14:35 - French Orienteering Federation

WMOC : Suivez les Championnats du monde Masters

  Cest le rendez-vous de lannée pour les Masters, les championnats du monde 2024 (WMOC) ont débuté en Finlande. Pas moins de 40 compétiteurs tric ...
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01.08.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:43 - Czech O-Federation

Český Hittaut: Pojď s námi tvo...

Říká Ti něco švédský Hittaut? Švýcarský O-Finder? Či norský Stolpejakten? To jsou úspěšné (n ...
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15:52 - French Orienteering Federation

La soirée des champions : les françaises &agrav...

  ⬇️ Samedi dernier se tenait la soirée des champions à Paris. Florence Hanauer, Maëlle Beauvir et Cécile Calandry étaient conviées par ...
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13:01 - French Orienteering Federation

Championnats du monde universitaires : l'équipe de...

  Cest parti pour les championnats du monde universitaires en Bulgarie !     Découvrez les 12 athlètes qui représenteront la France du 1 ...
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31.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
22:15 - Team USA

PNWOF 2024

Read on for some athlete recaps of races from this year’s Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival, which was 9 days of orienteering in Washington and Montana in the end of June. Huge thank you t ...
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06:00 - Czech Orienteering Team

Akademiky čeká vrchol v Bulharsku

Bulharské sportovní středisko Bansko tentokrát nebude patřit sjezdovému lyžování, 12 reprezentantů včera odletělo na 23. A ...
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30.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:58 - Czech Orienteering Team

MS Skotsko: Čekání na mistrovskou medaili...

Necelých deset dní po skončení šampionátu, na který ladili naši nejlepší sprinteři přes půl roku, nelze hodnotit ...
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07:26 - Swiss Orienteering

Leiter*in Ausbildung gesucht

Zur Unterstützung im Bereich Breitensport sucht Swiss Orienteering per 1. Oktober 2024 oder nach Vereinbarung ein*e Leiter*in Ausbildung (35-45%). Die Stelle bietet ein abwechslungsreiches und sp ...
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29.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:07 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

O-ringen 2024

Summary of this years O-ringen, the finally EOC selection from Sweden and World Ranking Events in the EOC country - Hungary! Of course including a talk with the O-ringen winner - Emil Svensk!
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28.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:00 - Team USA

Young Leaders Academy

Editor’s note: Apologies for the lack of post last week, there were some technical difficulties (read: dead computer, no charger, and lots of travel on everyone’s part). To make up for it, ...
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09:00 - Australian O-Federation

Learn and Play Orienteering Coach accreditation goes live on ...

The Learn and Play Orienteering Coach accreditation will go live on the Orienteering Learning Centre (OLC) on Tuesday 30 July 2024! The post Learn and Play Orienteering Coach accreditation goes live o ...
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25.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
16:30 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

👀 Forest season !? With World Orienteering Championsh...

👀 Forest season !? With World Orienteering Championships 2024 Scotland done and dusted, the international orienteering focus switch to forest. The next bigger sprint competition is more than o ...
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24.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:49 - Judith Wyder Facebook

Hast du Lust, Trailrunning unter fachkundiger Anleitung zu er...

Hast du Lust, Trailrunning unter fachkundiger Anleitung zu erlernen oder deine Fähigkeiten auf ein neues Level zu heben? Vom 10. bis 13. Oktober lade ich dich herzlich ein, zusammen mit meinem Ma ...
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09:00 - Australian O-Federation

NSO Recognition Agreement from ASC- 2024-2026

The ASC offers recognition of Orienteering Australia as the national sporting organisation for orienteering. The post NSO Recognition Agreement from ASC- 2024-2026 first appeared on Orientee ...
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06:04 - Czech Orienteering Team

STM 24

zveřejňujeme termíny testů + přihlášky a další informace (rozpisy k jednotlivým testům budou zveřejněny vž ...
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23.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
10:51 - French Orienteering Federation

Les sélectionnés en équipe de France de ...

  La liste des sportifs sélectionnés en Equipe de France de CO à pied pour la coupe du monde (manche 5 à 7) support du Championnat dEurope (EOC) ...
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10:29 - French Orienteering Federation

Liste des qualifiés pour le championnat de France de l...

  La liste des qualifiés pour le championnat de France de longue distance du 25 août à Chenecey-Buillon (25) est en ligne...   Pour la consulter : Cliquez ici ...
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04:38 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

Immer schön mit dir 👩🏻‍❤þ...

Immer schön mit dir 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻
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22.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
17:10 - Czech Orienteering Team

Nominační kritéria JEC 2024

Po sedmi letech se vrací Juniorský evropský pohár do Rakouska. Proběhne ve dnech 26.-29. 9. v okolí Vídně.
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13:58 - Daniel Hubmann

Rang 10 bei der Sprint WM

Der Höhepunkt der diesjährigen Sprint-OL Saison war die WM in Schottland und ich startete dort im Einzelsprint zu meinem 59. WM-Rennen. Dabei zeigte ich eine solide Leistung und errei ...
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13:15 - French Orienteering Federation

Découvrez le CO mag 157 !

    Le dernier CO mag est disponible en ligne ici  et bientôt dans vos boîtes aux lettres.   Au sommaire :  Actualités fé ...
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09:26 - Australian O-Federation

Orienteering Australia is now a Company

Orienteering Australia has completed the transition from an incorporated body to a company limited by guarantee structure. The post Orienteering Australia is now a Company first appeared on Orienteeri ...
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06:02 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

I'm a fan of OOcup since many years, but never managed to...

Im a fan of OOcup since many years, but never managed to complete a full edition with all stages. This year in France I took the chance and I really enjoyed the nice forests and challenging courses!
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21.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
17:31 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

Ruitenburg Run Maasdijk 🥇 Picked the most hot day of ...

Ruitenburg Run Maasdijk 🥇 Picked the most hot day of the year so far to race the Ruitenburg Run Maasdijk. Breaking sub 30:00 (and a bonus) changed quickly to plan B (winning the race). Nice te ...
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20.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:37 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

O-ringen preview!

First some news and more about the protests during WOC knockout sprint, then after 32 minutes all about O-ringen 2024 that starts on Monday!
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10:00 - Australian O-Federation

Board Operational Update

Major items to come out of the last Board meeting include approved Guidelines for Conducting Major Carnivals, approved additional rule changes to the ASOC rules and approved 2023 Annual Report of OA. ...
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18.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:48 - Colin Kolbe

When the right direction isn’t enough

Training starts to feel like (actual) training again. I train some acceptable amounts of hours and also some intensity again and am finally getting the feeling of “accomplishing” something ...
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09:00 - Australian O-Federation

Alice Springs Masters Games

The Alice Springs Masters Games are rapidly approaching, 12 - 19 October 2024, and orienteering is one of the sports on offer (MTB-O and Foot-O). Register today to compete in ...
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06:24 - Swiss Orienteering

Geschäftsstelle geht in die Sommerferien

Die Geschäftsstelle von Swiss Orienteering geht in die Sommerferien. Vom 22. Juli bis und mit Montag, 5. August 2024 bleiben unser Büro in Olten, sowie Mailboxen und Telefon geschlossen.
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17.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
17:23 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

WOC KO Sprint | 11th place After another strong qualification...

WOC KO Sprint | 11th place After another strong qualification race I was very excited for the KO Sprint Finals in Edinburgh. The courses were very challenging and fun but unfortunately without forking ...
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07:29 - Swedish O-Federation

Vill du bidra till utvecklingen av mountainbikeorientering?

Just nu omformas och utökas vår arbetsgrupp för MTBO-frågor och vi söker personer som med sitt engagemang och sina kunskaper kan komplettera gruppen som he ...
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16.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
23:05 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

All about WOC 2024 in Edinburgh !

All about this years WOC including analyses of all the races and talk with both the winners and the Nice surprises in top of the results. That means Alexandersson , Aebersold , Regborn, Polsini, Maria ...
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11:48 - Judith Wyder Facebook

Trail running action: Last week, the 23-minute recap video of...

Trail running action: Last week, the 23-minute recap video of the Mont Blanc Marathon was released. This recap gives some great insights into the race and shows the challenges that we runners face on ...
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09:56 - French Orienteering Federation

WOC 2024 : une cinquième place historique en Relais Sp...

      Les Bleus marquent lhistoire en Ecosse !   Après les très belles performances des français en Sprint individuel vendredi dernier,&n ...
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15.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
10:54 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

WOC Sprint Relay | 11th 🇧🇪 After a good start...

WOC Sprint Relay | 11th 🇧🇪 After a good start from (still junior) Tille De Smul I managed to run from place 18 to 7 with the fastest time on second leg. Both Warre De Cuyper and Marine ...
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14.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:00 - Team USA

Czeching Our Control Codes

Alex Merka This year’s JWOC occurred in the Czech Republic (I refuse to call it Czechia). WOC 2021 and last year’s World Cup round 2 were held here, too, but in vastly different terrains. This tim ...
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13.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:26 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

WOC Sprint | 11th place World Orienteering Championships 2024...

WOC Sprint | 11th place World Orienteering Championships 2024 Scotland kicked off with a very tough and challenging race in Edinburgh. As last starter I never managed to find a good flow and lost much ...
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08:39 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

10th place at the World Champs sprint in Edinburgh! The cours...

10th place at the World Champs sprint in Edinburgh! The course was very tricky and I think I managed to deliver a solid performance with many good legs. I lost a bit too much time in the beginning and ...
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00:05 - On The Red Line

WOC24 Sprint Report

Nathan Lawson in the qualification, photo: on the red line It didnt rain and the sun shone for the World Champs 2024 Individual Sprint ...
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12.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:11 - RF-Coach

⭕ Application Period Open for Coaching Service 2024-20...

We are thrilled to announce that the application period for the RF-Coach Individual Coaching Program (ICP) for the 2024-2025 season is now open! Applications will be accepted until 20th August 2024, w ...
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07:55 -

Češi ve Skotsku bojují o medaile

Historický druhý ryze sprintový světový šampionát se právě nyní rozbíhá ve Skotsku. Mezi 254 závodníky z ...
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07:04 - Czech Orienteering Team

Úspěšné tažení na Plz...

Prvních šest červencových dní patřilo pěti závodům Mistrovství světa juniorů, které proběhlo v okolí P ...
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11.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:37 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

World Championship preview

All about what will come during the WOC week in Edinburgh . Including talk with Megan Carter Davies, Simona Aebersold , Emil Svensk and Gustav Bergman!
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18:03 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

Ready for WOC2024 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳...

Ready for WOC2024 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 The World Orienteering Championships 2024 Scotland starts tomorrow with the (individual) Sprint distance. Feeling read ...
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13:33 - Czech Orienteering Team

Šampionát ve Skotsku startuje!

Vrchol orienťáckého roku je tady! Připravte vlajky, nažhavte hlasivky a zapněte přijímače – ve Skotsku už v pátek start ...
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13:21 -

Zápisky z deníčku SP MTBO Loty&s...

Přibližně měsíc po návratu z Polska opět balíme kola, dresy a vůbec všecko a vyrážíme ob jednu zemi d&aacut ...
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10.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:03 -

Juniorské mistrovství snů

Juniorský týden je minulostí a pozornost se přesouvá na dospělé MS ve skotském Edinburghu. Pojďme si ale ještě, než tato ...
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17:11 - Czech Orienteering Team

Tereza Janošíková: V pátek jsem n...

Blíží se to, až jen 2 dny do startu Mistrovství světa ve Skotsku. Český tým právě nyní přijíždí ...
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00:05 - On The Red Line

Watching the World Champs

Image from World Champs Bulletin 4, A spiral staircase within a building has been mapped as shown above. The stairs turn approx. 480 d ...
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09.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:31 - RF-Coach

Route to WOC24 Edinburgh 🇬🇧 (3)

Welcome to the third and final challenge in our “Road to WOC” series! This time, we stay in the heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town, presenting a simulated leg for the individu ...
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14:57 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

JWOC 2024 all about the championship in Czech Republic !

In this episode we have A short news part, but after 15 min it is all about the JWOC2024! Big analyses and good talk with the winners! Enjoy!
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06:11 - Judith Wyder Facebook

At the end of August, i'll be again in Chamonix. See you ...

At the end of August, ill be again in Chamonix. See you there!🟧 FAVORIS OCC - Judith Wyder 🇨🇭| UTMB Index 792 📊 Ne clignez pas des yeux ou vous pourriez la manquer  ...
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08.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:14 - Czech Orienteering Team

Tomáš Křivda: individuál a mixy js...

Už jen 4 dny zbývají do startu Mistrovství světa ve Skotsku. Jak hodnotí závěrečnou přípravu české želí ...
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19:37 - Czech Orienteering Team

po roce opět na Slovance

I letos jsme zavítali do tvrdých Jizerských hor. Dorostenecké nadšence letos doprovodila i hrstka nominovaných reprezentantů na akademické mistro ...
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14:54 - Swiss Orienteering

Entscheid des Baurekursgerichts zum Zimmerberg OL 2024

Am 14.4.2024 hätte im Wald «Landforst» der Zimmerberg OL stattfinden sollen. Die Gemeinde Oberrieden erteilte dem Anlass jedoch keine Bewilligung, worauf die OL Zimmerberg vor dem Bau ...
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06:44 - RF-Coach

Route to WOC24 Edinburgh 🇬🇧 (2)

The journey continues with our second post in the “Route to WOC” series, this time focusing on the Individual Sprint Qualifiers. We expect an interesting mix of fast and straightfo ...
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07.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:00 - Team USA

European Youth Championships

This year the European Youth Orienteering Championships were hosted in Poland, and four athletes from the Youth Development program attended! Here is a little insight to their experience: 1. Which was ...
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16:23 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

🔜 WOC in Edinburgh 🏴󠁧󠁢...

🔜 WOC in Edinburgh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Off to the World Orienteering Championships 2024 Scotland Sprint in Edinburgh. Very good last week of trainin ...
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08:37 - Matthias Kyburz

Paris retour

Um 10:07:44 Uhr am 07.04.2024 hat für mich eine neue Zeitrechnung in meiner Sportkarriere begonnen (ok, es war vielleicht 10:10 Uhr, weil der geplante Startschuss um 8.00 Uhr in bester franzö ...
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06.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:03 - Gustav Bergman

Becoming four!

The winter and spring has come and gone, and both training and racing has not been as consistent as I had hoped for, but still good enough to find myself in a nice position ahead of World Sprint Champ ...
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05.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:08 - RF-Coach

Route to WOC24 Edinburgh 🇬🇧

The countdown has begun! With less than 6 days remaining, the most significant event in the world of orienteering for 2024 is about to kick off: The World Orienteering Sprint Championship in Edinburgh ...
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11:48 - Swiss Orienteering

Änderungen im Organisationsreglement

Im Nachgang zur Genehmigung zahlreicher Statutenänderungen durch die Delegiertenversammlung im März, hat der ZV an seiner letzten Sitzung umfangreichen Änderungen im Organisationsreglem ...
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08:36 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

One week to go until I'll run my 16th sprint race at Worl...

One week to go until Ill run my 16th sprint race at World Champs. The last period of training has been good and Im excited to compete for the 59th time in a WOC race, this time in Edinburgh 🏴& ...
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04.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:11 - Swiss Orienteering

Korrigendum Abbildungen Sprint-OL-Karten im Swiss O Magazine

Im Beitrag Sprintkarte im Wandel in der neusten Ausgabe des Swiss Orienteering Magazines ist fälschlicherweise zwei Mal dieselbe Abbildung abgedruckt worden. Die richtigen Kartenausschnitte sind ...
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10:00 - Swedish O-Federation

Grundutbildning för kartritning 2024

Upplägget för Grundutbildningen i kartritning för 2024 är nu fastslaget.
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03.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:58 -

Plzeňská pohádka pokračuje

Čtyři Češi s medailí z jednoho dne? Však sprintovky byly už v pondělí? Ne ne, opravdu to není chyba, jen na& ...
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09:33 - Swedish O-Federation

Inbjudan öppnad till Kartkonventet 2024

Inbjudan är nu öppnad till årets Kartkonvent som hålls den 16-17 november i Sollentuna, Stockholm i samband med Ordförande- och Tävlingskonferense ...
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02.07.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:48 -

Sprintový úvod do JMS s př&iacut...

Je to tady! V pondělí konečně začal plzeňský JWOC, letos nejočekávanější akce na našem území ...
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17:26 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

WOC Pre-Camp 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣&#x...

WOC Pre-Camp 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Five intense days of sprint orienteering in Scotland as final World Orienteering Championships 2024 Scotland training. Most ...
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16:00 - Swedish O-Federation

Projekt Färgseende avslutat

Under 2023-2024 genomfördes ett projekt för att utvärdera utformningen på våra kartor med avseende på olika former av färgseende. Nu har ...
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11:00 - Swedish O-Federation

IOF Map Commission inleder arbete med nästa generati...

Nu tas ett helhetsgrepp om utvecklingen av kartnormerna för orientering, istället för fortsatta mindre justeringar av kartnormerna görs med start 2024 en omfattande ...
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09:04 - Judith Wyder Facebook

What a race! On Sunday, I participated in the Marathon du Mon...

What a race! On Sunday, I participated in the Marathon du Mont-Blanc in Chamonix for the first time in my career, marking my debut in the Golden Trail Series 2024. The atmosphere in Chamonix was elect ...
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08:53 - Judith Wyder Facebook

The finish from last Sunday! :-)🥺 Quel show. Quelle f...

The finish from last Sunday! :-)🥺 Quel show. Quelle femme extraordinaire. Quelle victoire pleine de panache. Bravo et merci Judith Wyder (🇨🇭) pour cet instant incroyable lors d ...
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30.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:38 - Czech Orienteering Team


Nominační sestavy pro srpnové akce: Mistrovství Evropy v Maďarsku a Akademické mistrovství světa v Bulharsku.
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13:12 - Judith Wyder Facebook

An incredible race in Chamonix! Thank you Chamonix for this e...

An incredible race in Chamonix! Thank you Chamonix for this experience! :-) More later....💚 42KM DU MONT-BLANC 🥇 Judith Wyder remporte le 42KM du Mont-Blanc en 4h11’12’&rsq ...
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28.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
10:59 - Swedish O-Federation

Nya versioner av regelverk och stöddokument 1 juli f...

En ny version av regelverket för OL är publicerad och kan laddas hem från vår filarea. Det träder i kraft den 1 juli 2024. Även stöddokum ...
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06:30 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

When business guys do orienteering as a team event. #orientee...

When business guys do orienteering as a team event. #orienteering #teambuilding #orientierungslauf #teamanlass #TeamEvent
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27.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
07:34 - Czech Orienteering Team


Letošní vrchol sezóny orientačních běžců klepe na dveře. Mistrovství světa 2024 startuje ve Skotsku za 2 týdny a v Edinbur ...
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00:14 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Junior World champs preview!

First some minutes about selection to EOC in Norway, then full focus at Junior World Championship ! We look at all the big nations, complementet with interesting runners from the smaller nations. And ...
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26.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:18 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

Yannick Michiels

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25.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:07 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

EYOC and O-festivalen

Looking at the EYOC in Poland and analysing O-festivalen in Norway. Also picking the Norwegian team for the European Champs!
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22.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:03 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

First Jukolan viesti with ol norska 13th place ⚪࿠...

First Jukolan viesti with ol norska 13th place ⚪️🟠⚫️ 📸 Woasfoto / Silvan Schletti
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18:24 - Czech Orienteering Team

Nanečisto v Plzni

Poslední společný krůček k JMS jsme absolvovali v uplynulých dnech.
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18.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:10 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Jukola 2024!

All about this years Jukola- and Venla relays !
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17.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:00 - Tim Robertson Facebook

9th place at @jukolanviesti with @kooveesuunnistus 🖤&...

9th place at @jukolanviesti with @kooveesuunnistus 🖤💛 My longest run since July last year 😆
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11:07 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

Nice trip to Finland and Jukolan viesti! We finished on place...

Nice trip to Finland and Jukolan viesti! We finished on place 13 (out of 1649 teams) after a good job by our team #olnorska. I managed to lift our team up to 3rd spot after 3 legs, even tough the perf ...
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06:22 - Swiss Orienteering

Lotteriegesellschaften: Wichtige Unterstützung für ...

Sportliche Grossanlässe lassen Sportlerherzen höherschlagen. Der Weg dorthin ist jedoch lange, fordert eisernen Durchhaltewillen und die nötigen finanziellen Mittel. Eine wichtige Unter ...
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16.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
16:28 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

✨️ Lakia-Jukola 2024 🇫🇮 Nothing...

✨️ Lakia-Jukola 2024 🇫🇮 Nothing is more exciting than the Jukola night. Once again opening the relay for Turun Metsänkävijät with a good run and almost got ...
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14.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:14 - Swedish O-Federation

Uppdateringar i regelverk och stöddokument 1 juli

Den 1 juli 2024 träder en ny version av regelverket för OL i kraft. Denna innehåller uppdateringar efter beslut tagna på förbundsmötet i mars tidi ...
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13.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
08:27 - Czech Orienteering Team

3x3: zásadní momenty 1. a 2. kola SP

Fantastické výkony Tomáše Křivdy, medailová houpačka Terky Janošíkové, spolehlivý Jakub Glonek plus český ž ...
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11.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:59 - Swiss Orienteering

21. Aargauer sCOOL-Cup mit viel Sonne in den Schülerherz...

Einmal mehr rannten am Dienstag rund 6000 Kinderbeine im Aarauer Schachen, mit Kerngebiet Pferderennbahn – Leichtathletik- und Fussballanlage, um die Wette. Nicht nur das: Von A wie Anfang bis Z ...
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01:07 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

The big Jukola preview!

All you need to know before this years Jukola!
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00:17 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Venla preview and the races this weekend!

News, this weekends races and the big Venla relay preview! The preview starts after app 23 minutes of the episode.
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10.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:09 - Czech Orienteering Team


Z úspěšného výjezdu na 1. a 2. kolo SP na jihu Evropy, kde naši reprezentanti vybojovali tři fantastická 3. místa, vykrystalizovala sestava ...
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09.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:18 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

5 weeks until World Orienteering Championships 2024 Scotland ...

5 weeks until World Orienteering Championships 2024 Scotland World Cup Round 1 & 2 were the first (individual) goals of this year. With two solid results in totally different terrains and challen ...
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08.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:30 - On The Red Line

World Champs Selections

Image from World Champs Bulletin 3 This week the big orienteering countries have announced their World Cup Teams. This follows World C ...
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07.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:33 - Czech Orienteering Team

Letní akademie 2024

Bude 9. - 13. 7. opět na Slovance, tentokrát i pro členy týmu AMS... doplněny přihlášky a základní informace.
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06.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:41 - Czech Orienteering Team

nominace na EYOC 24

Již za 10 dní se vydáme do polského Štětína, kde proběhne vrchol dorostenecké sezóny.
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00:45 - On The Red Line

Genoa World Cup Round

Peter Hodkinson checks for the best route to the next control, photo: IOF / Kristina Lindgren Genoa provided more technical and physi ...
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05.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:31 - Halden SK Elite

Tre Halden løpere tatt ut for å løpe Juni...

AndreasVistnes Myklebost er tatt ut til å løpe Junior-VM(JWOC). SigridSchmitt Gran og MinnaSofie Wingstedt er tatt ut til å løpe Ungdoms-EM(EYOC)!
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09:37 - Swedish O-Federation

Digital informationsträff om att ingå i SOF...

SOFT söker nya arrangörscoacher. Onsdagen den 19 juni kl. 19.00 anordnas en digital informationsträff om uppdraget som arrangörscoach och vad det innebär.
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00:25 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

World cup 2 in Italy !

All about World cup in Italy and some World championship selections!
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02.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:17 - RF-Coach

Unleashing your potential: Uphill training for orienteers.

This article aims to provide orienteers and their coaches with an understanding of the importance and benefits of uphill training, by incorporating structured uphill workouts into their training progr ...
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10:52 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Despite my best e...

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t improve my performance at the World Cup Sprint in Genova WOC World Orienteering Championships 2026 compared to la ...
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05:32 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

This was a really cool and challenging course at the World Cu...

This was a really cool and challenging course at the World Cup in Voltri, Italy! I had some problems in the tricky middle part of the course, otherwise I was very competitive. Im aware that its almost ...
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01.06.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:23 - Yannick Michiels Facebook

🇮🇹 World Cup Sprint - 8th place Really cool a...

🇮🇹 World Cup Sprint - 8th place Really cool and challenging sprint in Genova today. Not a typical sprint course with some forest controls and a tricky start. Some hesitations but a sol ...
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30.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:41 - Czech Orienteering Team

Nominace JMS 2024 - Plzeň

Za měsíc už budeme připraveni na značkách a budeme netrpělivě vyhlížet první závod na domácím Mistrovstv&iacu ...
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29.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:02 - Czech Orienteering Team

nominační závody na EYOC - kat. DH16

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15:41 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

Awesome to race in front of the home crowd at World cup in OW...

Awesome to race in front of the home crowd at World cup in OWC 2024 Olten. Satisfied with my first race of the season and ready to continue next weekend in Italy.
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27.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:57 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

Finishing the OWC 2024 Olten with a solid 13th place in a hig...

Finishing the OWC 2024 Olten with a solid 13th place in a high speed sprint race. Top 6 would have been possible with a clean race. Once again competing in front of this crowd was amazing - thanks to ...
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00:29 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

World Cup 1 - all analyses and talk with the winners in Switz...

All about the first World Cup weekend this year. Analyses of the races and talk with Joey Hadorn , Tove Alexandersson, Natalia Gemperle and Emil Svensk. Then we also looking forward to next weekends r ...
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25.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:52 - Daniel Hubmann Facebook

A good KO-Sprint for me with making it to the semifinals - 17...

A good KO-Sprint for me with making it to the semifinals - 17th place to start the world cup season. Next chance tomorrow! 📸 by Simon Buser / Silvan Schletti / OWC 2024 Olten
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23.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
11:03 - RF-Coach

Route to WorldCup Olten #bonus

Only 1 day left for Round-1 of the World Orienteering Cup kicks off in Olten (Switzerland)!! Exciting!! It was not planned before, but I couldn’t avoid sharing one more simulation leg after ...
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07:45 - Swedish O-Federation

Inbjudan till webbinarium – Inkludering - V&#x...

Svenska Orienteringsförbundet jobbar med inkludering på många sätt. Är du intresserad av att veta mer om specifikt inkludering av personer med funktionsvar ...
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22.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
11:10 - Czech Orienteering Team

Světové poháry startují bez Kr&aac...

V pátek začínají závody Světového poháru 2024. Ve švýcarském Oltenu a italském Janově se v 5 závodech p&# ...
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07:15 - RF-Coach

Route to WorldCup Olten #3

Only 2 days before Round-1 of the World Orienteering Cup kicks off in Olten (Switzerland). The best athletes in the world are in the final stretch of preparation and, with the final bulletin already p ...
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21.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
07:32 - RF-Coach

Route to WorldCup Olten #2

Only 3 days before Round-1 of the World Orienteering Cup kicks off in Olten (Switzerland). We can expect fast and tricky orienteering with a very high-level organization, as always Matthias & ...
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00:32 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Preview World Cup

First some news and the races last weekend, then after ca 40-min the world cup preview starts!
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20.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
11:32 - Swedish O-Federation


Är du ungdomsledare till ungdomar i åldern 13 - 16 år, utbildningsansvarig i föreningen eller ungdom – se hit! Lär dig mer om vårt proj ...
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08:41 - RF-Coach

WorldCup 2024 kick-off

2024 will be a season where the Sprint disciplines will have a special weight, because the WOC in Scotland will be in this same modality. It will be a good year for the sprinters and a “not ...
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07:56 - Czech Orienteering Team

Reprezentace s Enervitem na hrudi

Světové poháry ve Švýcarsku a Itálii startují již za 4 dny a čeští reprezentanti do nich nově nastoupí s log ...
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19.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:47 - Czech Orienteering Team

Nominačky JMS a MED 2024 - informace

Nominační závody skončily. Děkujeme všem za účast a za předvedené výkony. Byly doplněny oficiální výs ...
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18:16 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

After a pulled hamstring one month ago, I‘m eventually ...

After a pulled hamstring one month ago, I‘m eventually ready to kick off the season. Happy to get the chance to race another world cup in Switzerland next week in OWC 2024 Olten.
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17.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:58 - Daniel Hubmann

Weltcupstart in Olten

Die Saison wurde letzte Woche mit den Selektionsläufen und der Sprint-SM so richtig lanciert. Mein Trainingsaufbau in den vergangenen Monaten verlief sehr gut und bei den letzten Wettkä ...
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16.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
11:57 - Czech Orienteering Team

Přednominace na JMS

V minulém týdnu proběhly nominační závody na 1. a 2. kolo Světového poháru v OB, které proběhne od 22. května do 2.  ...
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14.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:37 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Big weekend of selection races and national championships!

Selection races and national championships in Czech Republic , Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and Latvia!
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13.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:35 - Halden SK Elite

Sterke Prestasjoner under Sprint-NM helgen i Bodø

Gratulerer til Minna og Sigrid som tok NM-medaljer under helgens konkurranser.
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10.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:00 - Czech Orienteering Team


Finální nominace pro 1. a 2. kolo SP - Švýcarsko a Itálie.
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08.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:05 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

All about 10mila 2024!

All analyses about 10mila 2024. The womens relay start 75min into the episode.
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03.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
22:05 - Alessio Tenani

Comacchio - Coppa Italia 2024

Organizzazione 1^ e 2^ prova di Coppa Italia Sprint 2024 - Pol.Masi RaiSport 30Livelox ...
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17:05 - Halden SK Elite

Siste forberedelser før Tiomila!

Hør fra Jo og Alvaro om deres tanker og forventninger til Tiomila 2024.
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13:34 - Swedish O-Federation

Informationsträff om att ingå i SOFT:s arra...

SOFT söker nya arrangörscoacher. Lördagen den 11 maj kl. 15.00, i samband med Närketävlingarna, anordnas det en informationsträff i Ånnab ...
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02.05.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
10:10 - Czech Orienteering Team


Krátce před startem jarní části sezóny si reprezentace udělala závěrečnou přípravnou zastávku - poslední dub ...
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30.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:41 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Big 10mila preview mens relay!

All you need to know before mens relay at 10mila 2024 together with interviews with the biggest stars in the favourite teams !
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00:34 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Swedish selection races, Finn Spring and preview 10mila women...

This is A big episode with both news from Swedish selection races and Finn Spring, but also A preview of the womens relay at 10mila. The preview start ca 50min into the episode.
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27.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:34 - Czech Orienteering Team

Rozpis a přihlášky na nominačky JMS...

Letošní nominační závody na JMS proběhnou společně s nominačními závody na MED pro kategorie D18 a H18 ve dnech 23.-26. kvě ...
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25.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
14:26 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

EGK Orienteering World Cup in Olten: Sprint action in Olten a...

The world orienteering elite will open the 2024 World Cup season in Olten on the weekend of May 24-26.. EGK Orienteering World Cup 2024 in Olten Sprint action in Olten and Zofingen The world orie ...
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23.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:17 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Swiss champs middle, Lørdagskjappen, Smaalenelø...

A lot of races in Norway, Switzerland, Spain and Denmark with our analyses!
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21.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
11:30 - Swedish O-Federation

Inbjudan till webbinarium - Verksamhetsuppföljning -...

Varje år följs olika delar av svensk orienterings verksamhet upp. Webbinariet kommer att redovisa nuläge och utveckling över tid för några omr& ...
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09:32 -

Orienteering at Kakanmath Temple, MP – India

An orienteering activity for male rural villagers or nearby towns was organised in the spectacular frame of Kakanmath Temple, Morena MP, a Shiv temple dating back to XI century, which according to the ...
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20.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:46 - Colin Kolbe

Accepting The Struggle

It has been two months since the last posts and besides time not much has changed. Things have not gone worse but on the other hand without a diagnosis and treatment it is difficult to expect signific ...
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09:00 -

First school

50 students of the Karan International School of Ambah, Morena – Madhya Pradesh India got to experience orienteering for the first time. Thanks to Dhyanchand Foundation, Mr Kapil (director), the ...
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19.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:08 -

Work to promote orienteering in India continues

At the moment, PWT Academy officials are in India to help spread orienteering there. A series of events promoting orienteering are taking place. Today, 85 students between boys and girls of the Dron A ...
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16.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:23 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Swedish Night champs, Stigtomtakavlen, Finnish relay league, ...

A lot of races in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Czech Republic and GBR. Selection races in Norway, national champs in Sweden, Czech Republic and GBR. 10mila prep for the relay team in Sweden and Finland! A ...
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15.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
23:04 - Joey Hadorn

Preview 2024, neuer Hauptsponsor, Sponsor/Praktikumsstelle, S...

Preview der Saison 2024, Rückblick auf den Winter/Frühling und Vorstellung meiner Sponsoren/Supporter/Ausrüster.
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09:00 - Swedish O-Federation

Uppdaterade anmälningsavgifter för MTBO

Som en följd av förbundsmötets beslut att anta nya grundavgifter vid anmälan har nu också MTBO fått uppdaterade anmälningsavgifter.
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14.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
10:57 -

Day 2 in Chongqing

The second race of the Chongqing event was run today in Yidu Ancient Town, Dadukou, Chongqing. The terrain was divided into two very distinct parts as you can see from the map. “It was another h ...
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13.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
14:19 -

Two-day event in Chongqing

As part of the PWT collaboration in China, a two-day event is organized in Chongqing this weekend. The competitions are organized by Learnjoy and Chongqing Orienteering Association, with PWT as the co ...
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08.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:21 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

EOC preparations in Hungary and Kyburz marathon!

Interesting races in Hungary during EOC preoarations and really good marathon debut by Mathias Kyburz! Also some other snacks!
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06.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:08 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

Easter training camp for World Orienteering Championships &#x...

Easter training camp for World Orienteering Championships 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 putting in the work, step by step ⏳ 📸 Orienteering Focus
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05.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:11 - Swedish O-Federation

Digital träff - Folksam och Skatteverket informerar

Folksam kommer att dela med sig av sin expertis om försäkringar som är vitala för föreningar. Skatteverket tar sedan över stafettpinnen fö ...
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03.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
22:58 - Halden SK Elite

Halden Skiklubb tok en sterk 3. plass i det første l&o...

I helgen samlet klubbens elite seg i Skåne for å delta i Swedish League og det første løpet i den svenske stafetligaen.
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12:00 - Swedish O-Federation

Inbjudan till webbinarium - Uppdaterade kartnormer

Är du kartritare, kartkontrollant eller hanterar kartorna i din förening? Från och med den första januari 2024 gäller den nya version 6 av kartnormerna f&a ...
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02.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:36 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Swedish league, stafettligan and some national champs!

The real season start in Sweden with Swedish league and stafettligan! Some natonal champs in France and Latvia. JK in GBR and A good talk with Pia Young Vik!
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01.04.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
07:42 - Judith Wyder Facebook

I love technical hometrails. What about you? #running #trail...

I love technical hometrails. What about you? #running #trailrunning #givesyouwings #beatyesterday #flyhumanfly 🎥 @globerunnerch
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29.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:55 - Halden SK Elite

Eliten er klare for start i den svenske stafettligaen

I påskedagerne starter den nyopstartede stafettliga i Skåne, Sverige. Halden Skiklubb stiller med syv lag med tre personer på hvert lag.
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28.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
11:18 - Swedish O-Federation

Nya anmälningsavgifter 2024

På förbundsmötet 23–24 mars beslutades om nya anmälningsavgifter att gälla från och med 2024.
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27.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:23 - Judith Wyder Facebook

Spring is here! I love the feeling of running through the woo...

Spring is here! I love the feeling of running through the woods as they awaken from their winter slumber! 🎥 @globerunnerch #trailrunning #downhill #redbull #hoka #flyhumanfly #garmin #beatyes ...
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26.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
16:33 - Judith Wyder Facebook

Vielen Dank Schweizer Paraplegiker-Vereinigung! Es hat mir se...

Vielen Dank Schweizer Paraplegiker-Vereinigung! Es hat mir sehr Spas gemacht mit euch allen für den Wings for Life World Run zu trainieren! Ich freue mich auch über alle, welche am 5. Mai 2 ...
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01:27 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Danish spring, MOC and Måsenstafetten!

We Are looking at the races this weekend; Danish spring, MOC in Italy, Måsenstafetten and sprints in Czech Republic !
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23.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
16:57 - Halden SK Elite

Utdannings-/utviklingsstipend for orienteringsløpere

Halden Skiklubb tilbyr utviklingsstipend til unge o-løpere som har ambisjoner om å utvikle seg som orienteringsløpere og bo i Halden. Anja Hole og Andreas Vistnes Myklebost fikk st ...
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19.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:39 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Summing up A lot of races all around Europe and talk with Kyb...

There has been A lot of races all around Europe last week. We Are summing up. Also talking with Matthias Kyburz how Are going for marathon in the Olympic Games in Paris!
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13.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
22:24 - Judith Wyder Facebook

Kommst du mit? Wir freuen uns auf die tollen Trails, das t&uu...

Kommst du mit? Wir freuen uns auf die tollen Trails, das türkisblaue Meer und tolle Leute! Ich würde mich freuen!Bereits in einem Monat reisen wir nach Sardinien für unsere Trailrunning ...
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16:32 - Matthias Kyburz


Wem der Text zu lange erscheint (das kann in der schnelllebigen Zeit durchaus vorkommen), dem sei das Fazit nahegelegt: Orientierungsläufer! Es sind weder fehlende Motivation noch eine Verletzung ...
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12.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
07:00 - Swedish O-Federation

Inbjudan till webbinarium - Naturmiljöhänsy...

Lägger du banor för träning eller tävling? Då är det viktigt att ha kunskaper om hur du tar tillräcklig naturhänsyn vid banl& ...
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01:01 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Doping case in Orienteering, Lipicia Open, Hallandspremieren ...

The sport of Orienteering has A doping case and we have to talk about that. In this episode there will also be talk about Lipicia Open, Hallandspremieren, Nord Jysk 2-days and A nice talk with Kasper ...
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10.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:46 - Swedish O-Federation

Nya webbinarium i serien - förbundet informerar och ...

Efter ett sportlovsuppehåll kör vi vidare med nya teman. Vill du lära dig naturhänsyn vid banläggning, träffa nya styrelsen efter förbund ...
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08.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
10:24 - Swedish O-Federation

Anmälan för Rikslägret Sommar har ...

Nu har anmälan till Rikslägret sommar 2024, årets roligaste läger öppnat. Den 23 juni - 28 juni anordnas Rikslägret för b ...
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05.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:14 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Costa Calida, Sverigepremieren and talk with Eirik Langedal B...

There has been Costa Calida in Spain, Sverigepremieren in Sweden and we Are also having A nice talk with Eirik Langedal Breivik!
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02.03.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
14:20 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

EGK Orienteering World Cup in Olten: Experience urban oriente...

In three months, the world`s best orienteers will come to Olten, Switzerland to fight for the first Orienteering World Cup points of the season. . EGK Orienteering World Cup 2024 in Olten Experience ...
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27.02.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:12 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

News and Tove Alexandersson!

News from Orienteering and A nice talk with Tove Alexandersson!
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21.02.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:13 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Maximus o-meeting and talk with Mathieu Perrin

This episode is about Maximus o-meeting in Spain, Norte Alentejo o-merting in Portugal and A talk with Mathieu Perrin!
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19.02.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:04 - Colin Kolbe

Summer Training

My situation has not really improved since my last post. Training still feels not great sometimes and I am at a point where it is starting to get hard to tell the difference between what doesn’t ...
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14.02.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:05 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Portugal o-meeting and talk with Joey Hadorn

News, silly season, Portugal o-meeting, good talk with Joey Hadorn and preview before Maximus o-meeting!
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10.02.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
06:51 - Judith Wyder Facebook

Do you ever just slip on your running shoes and hit the trail...

Do you ever just slip on your running shoes and hit the trails and roads without a second thought? Its often in those moments, when each step feels effortless, that we truly understand the essence of ...
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06.02.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:16 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Hanna Lundberg, Oceanian champs, Antalya o-meeting and news!

Good news, nice talk with Hanna Lundberg , Oceanian champs, Antalya o-meeting and looking forward to Portugal O-meeting
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30.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:02 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Big Weekend Edinburgh , Oceanian champs, news and Kris Jones!

News, races in Big Weekend Edinburgh and Oceanian champs and A nice talk with Kris Jones!
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29.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
11:11 -

PWT tour in China 2024

We are announcing that we are planning a PWT tour in China for the second half of October 2024. Save the date! Most of the races will be World Ranking Events, and all races will have prize money. More ...
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27.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
10:51 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

Training camp in Lanzarote was 🔥🏝️...

Training camp in Lanzarote was 🔥🏝️🌬️🌋🇪🇸 #speedwork #running #roadtowoc2024 #playablancalanzarote #aqua #allinclusive 🎥 @melodies ...
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23.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:52 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Simona Aebersold and silly season!

A good talk with Simona Aebersold, some news from silly season and upcoming events in Scotland and New Zealand!
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16.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:16 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

News and talk with Daniel Hubmann!

In this episode we present news, Madeira Orienteering Festival and A nice talk with the running legend - Daniel Hubmann !
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09.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:15 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Talk with Pia Young Vik and news!

Some Orienteering news and A good talk with Pia Young Vik!
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08.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:16 -

PWT China Tour concluded in Dongziguan

Another tricky sprint in Dongziguan, a village with a new architecture combined with old Chinese style. The men & women elite run the same course and again there was a big number of Chinese runner ...
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07.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
06:22 -

Challenging third day on PWT China Tour

The sprint in Longmen Old Village proved to be a very tricky one. The courses were set in a pedestrian area with some very narrow streets and alleys. Many local runners joined the event and the best C ...
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06.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:31 - Elena Roos


Il 2023 è definitivamente passato e insieme è finita anche la mia carriera da sportiva d’élite. Prima di buttarmi appieno nel 2024 e nelle mie nuove sfide lavorative e a liv ...
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08:55 - Colin Kolbe

Error undefined

It is winter and in a way I am training but at the same time is it far from what I generally consider winter-training. My blog-posting rate can often be an indicator of how it is going because it mean ...
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04.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:36 -

Meeting with Hangzhou high school for a cultural exchange.

In days between racing in PWT China Tour, local high school students were challenged by elite runners on a super sprint race , while testing a brand new time keeping system, touch free and a vibrating ...
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02.01.2024 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:05 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Predictions 2024, news and talk with Ruslan Glebov

When we turn in to A new year there are opportunity to predict what to come! We look at WC, WOC, EOC, JWOC and the big relays in 2024. Pick up the news and have A nice talk with Ruslan Glebov!
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30.12.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:15 - Matthias Kyburz

Saisonrückblick: EM in Italien

Bella Italia: Der Name war Programm. Schwimmen im Gardasee, Wettkämpfe in historischen Altstädten und abwechselnd Pizza und Pasta Pomodoro zum Essen! Die EM in Norditalien wurde zum perfekte ...
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27.12.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:41 - Joey Hadorn

2023 der Herbst

Weltcup in Tschechien und die Umstellung auf die Sprintdisziplinen. Vorbereitung auf die EM, mit der EUOC in St. Gallen, den Selektionsläufen und der EM in Italien selbst. Plus natürlich EM ...
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23.12.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:25 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Christmas special with Olli Ojanaho

Good talk with Olli Ojanaho, some news , silly season and merry Christmas!
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20.12.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
17:57 - O-Zeugs

The KanPas Focus 200

So here is the KanPas Focus 200. Actually the compass making orienteering easy. Maybe even too easy? - Sorry for that. fig.1. What a beautyFirst things first. Why is it called Focus 200?For a good pr ...
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19.12.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:22 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Talk with Riccardo Scalet and Søren Thrane Ødum...

Some interesting news for the Orienteering World, silly season and nice talk to both Riccardo Scalet and Søren Thrane Ødum!
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16.12.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
17:02 - Gustav Bergman

2023: A lot of bumps in the road

The season 2023 was a season with a lot of bumbs in the road. It started well enough, and I felt quite strong in the early spring and looked forward to the season to come, but already before it had st ...
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13.12.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:12 - Elena Roos

Project23 | Elena Roos - Episodio 11

*Deutschsprachige Version weiter untenCon la fine dell’anno e la fine della mia carriera, è arrivato anche il momento dell’ultima puntata della mia serie sul mio percorso verso i mo ...
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12.12.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:23 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

New city, new club! I‘m moving from the Davos mountains...

New city, new club! I‘m moving from the Davos mountains down to the swiss capital Bern. 🐻 After 6 wonderful years with Fredrikstad SK I‘m excited to announce my international club ...
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01:02 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

News, silly season and talk with Jakub Chalupsky

In this week we Are looking at news, races in Spain and at Madeira, silly season and A good talk with Jakub Chalupsky!
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05.12.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:03 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

News, Madeira, silly season and talk with Aston Key!

This episode have A buffet of news, Madeira O-meeting, silly season and A really good talk with Aston Key!
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28.11.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:05 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

News, silly season and talk with Ane Dyrkorn

Silly season, news and A nice talk with Ane Dyrkorn Are what you can look forward to in this episode!
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25.11.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
16:01 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

EGK Orienteering World Cup in Olten: Sprint action in the hea...

The World Cup season for orienteering runners kicks off in Olten from May 24 to 26, 2024.. EGK Orienteering World Cup 2024 in Olten Sprint action in the heart of Switzerland After last summers succ ...
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24.11.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
05:48 - Elena Roos

La mia ultima stagione

La mia carriera da orientista di alto livello è finita! Una decisione che ho preso già un anno fa, quando a novembre avevo annunciato sia al mio Fan Club così come alle compagne d ...
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21.11.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:06 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Many news from silly season, talk with Martin Hubmann and Ale...

We cover some big news in silly season about that we have A talk with Martin Hubmann . Then we also talk with Alexandra Hornik about taking the last step to the top!
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14.11.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:10 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

News, talk with Sandra Grosberga and silly season!

We have A good talk with Sandra Grosberga, updates on the o-news and A bit from silly season.
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08.11.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
14:28 - O-Zeugs

Swiss Team 2024

The Swiss National Team published the team selections for 2024 at the junior and senior level. I updated the almost illegible table of selections since 1999 and here I just summarize the complete lis ...
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07.11.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:02 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Tomas Krivda, Big News from Denmark and Autumn Spartacus Cup

This episode has A good talk with Tomas Krivda. We Are also talking about the national team selections in Norway and Austria , big news from Denmark, autumn Spartacus cup in Hungary , national champs ...
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01.11.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
21:01 - Matthias Kyburz

Saisonrückblick: WM-Blues?

Die WM-Woche hatten wir bei der Abschlussparty weltmeisterlich gefeiert! Die Heimreise trat ich am Montagmittag folglich mit kleinen Augen an. Diese Müdigkeit konnte ich mir aber leisten, denn di ...
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31.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:05 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Talk with Jannis Bonek and Silly season

In this episode we pick up silly season updates and have A really good talk with Jannis Bonek from Austria !
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30.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:38 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

Holidays well spent on crete island 🇬🇷Ὁ...

Holidays well spent on crete island 🇬🇷💕
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25.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
07:40 - Martin Hubmann Facebook


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24.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:23 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Blodslitet, Halikko viesti and A lot of national champs!

Good talk about Blodslitet, Halikko viesti and national champs in Austria , Spain, New Zealand. Also picking up o-runners in mountain running, cross country running and road races.
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22.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:14 - Matthias Kyburz

Saisonrückblick: Weltmeisterschaft

Mit etwas Abstand blicke ich auf die erfolgreichste WM in meiner Karriere zurück. Zwei Gold- und eine Silbermedaille konnte ich an der Heim-WM in Flims-Laax gewinnen. Ein grosser Dank gebühr ...
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20.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:29 - Ursula Kadan Facebook

Time to say goodbye! 👋 Meinen Traum, 2024 noch einmal...

Time to say goodbye! 👋 Meinen Traum, 2024 noch einmal das letztes Jahr so knapp verpasste WM-Diplom anzugreifen, musste ich leider begraben, nachdem ich erneut keinen Platz beim Bundesheer bek ...
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17.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:14 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Euromeeting , Finnish ultra long dist champs and Czech champs...

Pre WOC2024 or Euromeeting Are the hot topic, but we also talk about the Finnish champs in ultra long distance and the Czech champs in relay !
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16.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
09:02 - Daniel Hubmann

Zu kurze Sprint-EM

Die Sprint-EM in Italien, welche gleichzeitig auch Weltcupfinale war, lief leider nicht nach meinen Vorstellungen. Sowohl im Einzelsprint wie auch im KO-Sprint war bereits in der Qualifikation S ...
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07:15 - Martin Hubmann Facebook


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14.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
08:26 - Ursula Kadan Facebook

Coaches education completed! 🤓 It has been an inspiri...

Coaches education completed! 🤓 It has been an inspiring journey, starting with the orienteering instructor course in 2018/19. Happy I also made the coaches level already being a mum. Big thank ...
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12.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:44 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

European Champs 🇮🇹 Out in the Knock Out quali...

European Champs 🇮🇹 Out in the Knock Out qualification. Not the way I wanted to end this season, but my body says thank you. Time for holidays! 📸 IOF / Kristina Lindgren
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17:21 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

10mila 2024 - what do we think about the changes?

10mila 2024 takes A step towards equallity with Night legs also for women. There will be A stop and then restart - with chasing start - both for men and women. We Are discussing the changes together w ...
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11.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:55 - Colin Kolbe

Mission Unsuccessful

EOC in Italy was not a failure but neither did I manage to qualify for any final race which was disspointing
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00:06 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

European champs 2023 and 25manna!

All about the European champs in sprint in Italy . Also looking at the action at 25manna relay in Stockholm .
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03.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
17:56 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

Energy recharged 🔋 for the last race of the season @e...

Energy recharged 🔋 for the last race of the season @eoc2023 #flüela #jöriseen #graubünden #sunrise #hiking
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02.10.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:28 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Preview of European champs, Finnish Night champs, pre 25manna...

Preview of this years last champs, the EOC in sprint in Italy. Analyses of the Finnish Night champs and the Czech sprint champs, also looking at the juniors competing in Switzerland at SAJOM and not l ...
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30.09.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
16:10 - Martin Hubmann Facebook

🏃🏾‍♂️🔁🥵 #tr...

🏃🏾‍♂️🔁🥵 #tracksession #getworkdone #davos #roadtoeoc2023 @eoc2023 🎥 @melodieschneider
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26.09.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:07 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Czech EOC selections, Finnish relay league final and Liding&o...

All about this weekends Czech EOC selections, the Final in the Finnish relay league and the o-runners taking part in Lidingöloppet!
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23.09.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:18 - Gernot Kerschbaumer Facebook

Finally, I managed to participate (and fulfill) at the world...

Finally, I managed to participate (and fulfill) at the world famous trail running event Lidingöloppet in Stockholm, 30km race around the island. Exciting atmosphere with sooo many cheering spec ...
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19.09.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:11 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Swedish champs Night, Swedish league, national champs in Czec...

Looking at Swedish champs Night, Swedish league, national champs in Czech, Finland and Hungary + selections for EOC in Norway. Interview with Simona Aebersold and Victor Svensk!
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17.09.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:10 - Ursula Kadan Facebook

Welcome to this world, little Emil! 👋 So incredibly h...

Welcome to this world, little Emil! 👋 So incredibly happy to have you here with us. 🥰
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14.09.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:47 - Colin Kolbe

Italy in Autumn

The orienteering season slowly comes to an end. Ater Switzerland last year it is apparently Italy´s turn again to hold the last Worldcup round in form of the European Sprint Championships in the regi ...
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12.09.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:18 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Finnish champs, swiss champs + preview Swedish champs Night a...

All you need to know after Finnish champs sprint & relay, swiss champs middle, danish champs relay & long + preview before Swedish champs Night and Norwegian EOC selections!
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05.09.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
16:56 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Norwegian Champs, Finnish champs long, selection races for EO...

Get all the talking points from Norwegian champs , Finnish champs long distance and the selection races for the European champs in both Sweden , Switzerland and Denmark !
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29.08.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:04 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Recap Swedish champs, Finnish relay league, Danish champs and...

Analyses of Swedish champs middle and relay, Danish champs middle and knockout sprint, Finnish relay league and European University champs + preview before Norwegian and Finnish champs!
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22.08.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:43 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Swedish champs long, ASOM and Night Hawk

Analyse of the Swedish champs long and talk with the winners. Looking also at the sprint races in Belgium at ASOM and the Night Hawk relay.
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21.08.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:50 - Colin Kolbe

In love with elite orienteering

Okay, I know the title is a bit of a click-bait. I might as well have written addicted to elite orienteering but this sounds less destructive. However, does the title not come from pure harmony so let ...
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16.08.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:20 - On The Red Line

Stepping to Edinburgh

The 2024 World Orienteering Champs are in Edinburgh In July 2024 (very probably 12th-16th) the World Championship Orienteering Races i ...
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15.08.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:22 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Swedish champs long and some other upcoming races!

Good preview of Swedish championship long distance, talk with Gustav Bergman and also look at ASOM in Belgium and Night Hawk in Norway coming up!
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14.08.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:36 - Ursula Kadan Facebook

The 3rd International Orienteering Coaches Conference was a r...

The 3rd International Orienteering Coaches Conference was a real highlight and perfect ending to our coaches education! 🤩 Pity not more people took the opportunity to get all those insights an ...
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00:00 - Daniel Hubmann

4. Rang in Tschechien

Beim Weltcup anfangs August konnte ich in die Langdistanz mit einem 4. Rang überzeugen. Bei den anderen beiden Wettkämpfen, (10. Rang Middle und 25. Rang Sprint) war ich nicht ganz zuf ...
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07.08.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:05 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

World cup Czech Republic

All about the World cup round in Czech Republic with both analyses and talk with the runners that got the top positions!
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06.08.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:11 - Alessio Tenani

Corno alle Scale 2023

Nel 2023 sono già successe tante belle cose, e avremo modo di parlarne entro la fine dellanno facendo un bel riassunto; ma intanto iniziamo mettendo in archivio lorganizzazione delle due prove ...
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01.08.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:01 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

O-ringen and preview of World Cup round 2

Summary of O-ringen - with talk to Olli Ojanaho and big preview before this weeks World cup in Czech Republic
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28.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:57 - Gustav Bergman

WOC 2023 in Flims-Laax

WOC in Switzerland, one week later:Difficult to summarize, and probably too early to draw any conclusions, but I can at least say that it didn’t end up as I invisioned it. I am very happy with m ...
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27.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:28 - Colin Kolbe

Sideline Season

It has been a while simply because I wasn´t really running any races. With the second World-Cup round in the Czech Republic my international season will finally start as well. Pushing goals back, is ...
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12:38 - Joey Hadorn

WM 2023 in Flims Laax

Vize-Weltmeister in der Mitteldistanz und Weltmeister in der Staffel. Eine unglaubliche Woche, mit Auf und Abs - in der WM-Woche selber, wie auch in der Woche zuvor.
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25.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:51 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

O-ringen and Swiss O-week!

First part of O-ringen and summary of Swiss O-week!
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24.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:00 - Martin Hubmann

Eine WM zum vergessen

Die Heim-WM hätte ein Karriere-Highlight werden können, doch sie endete mit einer riesigen Enttäuschung.
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13:43 - Daniel Hubmann

Staffel-Weltmeister in Flims Laax

Top organisierte Wettkämpfe, spannendes Gelände und ein grossartiges Publikum haben dafür gesorgt, dass die OL-WM in Flims Laax zu einem unvergesslichen OL-Fest wurde. Das lange W ...
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21.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
08:58 - Elena Roos

Project23 | Elena Roos - Episodio 10

*Deutschsprachige Version weiter untenDopo anni di preparazione, tanti chilometri di allenamento fisico e tante ore di preparazione tecnica e mentale, è finalmente arrivato il momento dei mondi ...
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20.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:14 - The Run In Podcast

Episode 71, with Josh Dudley - a WOC debrief

Nathan and Katherine are back to round up everything that happened at the World Orienteering Championships and are joined by GB team member Josh Dudley. We chat through all the races, take a look for ...
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05:48 - Florian Howald

WOC 2023 - the (big) analysis

14th place in the middle distance (and spectator at the relay gold of the Swiss men) - that is my summary of the home World Championships Flims-Laax. What was supposed to be a highlight of my care ...
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19.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:13 - Florian Howald

WM 2023 - die (grosse) Analyse

14. Rang in der Mitteldistanz und Zuschauer beim Staffelgold der Schweizer Männer - das meine persönliche Bilanz der Heim-WM Flims-Laax. Was zu einem Höhepunkt meiner Karriere werde ...
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18.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:57 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

A World Orienteering Championships for the history books

The 2023 World Orienteering Championships in Flims Laax finished with the relay Sunday, ending what the organizers can only conclude has been a successful world championship.. A World Orienteering Ch ...
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17.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:06 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

WOC 2023 Mia & Mara: At the high table with the important...

Mia & Mara: A look behind the scenes. Today: Visit to the VIP area. WOC 2023 Mia & Mara: At the high table with the important people As at the 2022 World Cup final, we also paid a visit to ...
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13:01 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Relay gold medals for Switzerland and Sweden

The Swiss men and the Swedish women won the last World Championship titles on the last day of the WOC 2023 Flims Laax. . Relay gold medals for Switzerland and Sweden The Swiss men and the Swedish w ...
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16.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:55 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

World Championship 2023

All about the World Champs with analyses and talks with the profiles of the champs!
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07:05 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Who will beat the Swedes in the World Championship relay?

Preview WOC 2023 relay of today 16 July 2023. Who will beat the Swedes in the World Championship relay? The 2023 World Orienteering Championship in Flims Laax come to an end today with the relay rac ...
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07:01 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Route analysis middle-distance

WOC 2023 middle distance: analysis of the decisive route choices
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06:02 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

WOC 2023 Mia & Mara: On a treasure hunt in the event vill...

Mia & Mara: A look behind the scenes. Today: The Event Village.. WOC 2023 Mia & Mara On a treasure hunt in the event village Do you want to try some fun games, win cool prizes and get exclu ...
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15.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
17:13 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Alexandersson and Kyburz defend their titles

The middle-distance race at the 2023 World Orienteering Championships in Flims Laax saw the reigning world champions demonstrate their superiority with convincing wins in their respective classes.. A ...
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09:19 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

WOC 2023 Mia & Mara: In the footsteps of the world's ...

Mia & Mara: A look behind the scenes. Today: Visiting the media race. In the footsteps of the worlds best orienteers After watching the long-distance final at the 2023 World Orienteering Champi ...
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05:34 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Middle-distance final in the magical Flimserwald

Preview WOC 2023 middle-distance of today 15 July 2023. Middle-distance final in the magical Flimserwald Today at the 2023 World Orienteering Championships in Flims Laax it is all about the fight f ...
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14.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:02 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

The Prau la Selva Finish Arena: Important information

The big weekend of the 2023 World Orienteering Championships is here with the middle-distance final and the relay on consecutive days.. The Prau la Selva Finish Arena: Important information The big ...
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09:35 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Route analysis long-distance

WOC 2023 long distance: analysis of the decisive route choices
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07:38 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

WOC 2023 Mia & Mara: full concentration and full throttle...

Mia & Mara: A look behind the scenes. Today: The start of the 2023 World Championship long-distance final.. WOC 2023 Mia & Mara: full concentration and full throttle at the start A well-org ...
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13.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:07 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

The First Couple of Orienteering Win the Long-Distance Gold M...

Simona Aebersold (Switzerland) and Kasper Harlem Fosser (Norway) win the first titles at the 2023 World Championships in Flims Laax. . The First Couple of Orienteering Win the Long-Distance Gold Meda ...
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11:01 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Route analysis middle distance qualification

WOC 2023 Middle Qualification: Route analysis
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04:08 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

A tough Alpine challenge in the World Championship long-dista...

Preview WOC 2023 long-distance of today 13 July 2023. A tough Alpine challenge in the World Championship long-distance race The first medals of the 2023 World Orienteering Championships in Flims Laa ...
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12.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
19:38 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

WOC 2023 Mia & Mara: Set-up finish arena Prau la Selva

Mia & Mara: A look behind the scenes. Today: The set-up of the finish arena . WOC 2023 Mia & Mara: Welcome to Circus Prau la Selva The Prau la Selva finish arena in Flims Laax will be the ...
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13:46 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Sweden and Switzerland dominate the middle-distance qualifica...

The favourites did not show any sign of weakness as the serious part of the 2023 World Orienteering Championships in Flims Laax started today.. Sweden and Switzerland dominate the middle-distance qua ...
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12:26 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

WOC 2023 Mia & Mara: The Opening Ceremony managed to keep...

Mia & Mara: A look behind the scenes. Today: The opening ceremony. WOC 2023 Mia & Mara: The Opening Ceremony managed to keep its head above water - just! The timing was perfect. IOF Presiden ...
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04:58 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

The 2023 World Orienteering Championship kicks off with the m...

Preview WOC 2023 middle-distance qualification of today 12 July 2023. WOC 2023 kick off with middle-distance qualification WOC 2023 starts this Wednesday in Flims Laax with the middle-distance quali ...
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11.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:24 - Gernot Kerschbaumer Facebook

Gernot Ymsén Posted

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07:02 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Collect the WOC 2023 stickers!

You can now buy the special album in which you can collect stickers of the orienteering athletes and, along with our mascot Capri, discover the diversity of athletes and nations at this years WOC.. C ...
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06:16 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

The 2023 World Orienteering Championships starts tomorrow

This week, from Tuesday, 11 July to Sunday, 16 July the eyes of Switzerland and the international orienteering family will be focused firmly on Flims Laax. . The 2023 World Orienteering Championships ...
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00:59 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

JWOC part2 and preview of WOC

All the analyses of the last races at JWOC together with preview and predictions before this weeks World champs. All spiced up with talks to some of the profiles both at JWOC and at the upcoming WOC! ...
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10.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:35 - The Run In Podcast

Episode 70 - Alice is retiring and a WOC preview

Were back with a brand new episode of the The Run In. Will has decided to take a break from the podcast for the time being, so Katherine has recruited Nathan Lawson into the hot seat! Its been a busy ...
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16:33 - Florian Howald

Heim-WM steht vor der Tür

Endlich geht es los, die OL-Weltmeisterschaften in Flims-Laax werden am Dienstag eröffnet. Es freut mich sehr, die Schweizer Farben an der Mitteldistanz (Qualifikation: Mittwoch 12.7., Final: ...
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08:49 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Experience the 2023 World Orienteering Championships in Flims...

How do I get to the arena? How does the ticketing process work? Where can I find the event schedule? . Experience the 2023 World Orienteering Championships in Flims Laax as a spectator How do I get ...
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00:20 - On The Red Line

World Champs Preview

One of this years trophies, from the World Championships Bulletin-4 On Wednesday 12th July the racing in the 2023 World Champs (WOC) b ...
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09.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
16:00 - Martin Hubmann


Ich darf nächste Woche die Schweiz an der Heim-WM in Flims Laax vertreten. Was für eine Ehre und was für ein Highlight in meiner Spitzensportkarriere! ...
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07.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
08:19 - Daniel Hubmann

20 Jahre Wartezeit haben ein Ende

In ein paar Tagen ist es so weit: Mit der OL-WM in Flims Laax steht der absolute Saisonhöhepunkt auf dem Programm. Bei der WM in Rapperswil vor 20 Jahren, wurde mir klar, dass ich auch mal ...
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06.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
17:15 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Junior World Orienteering champs part1

First part of Junior World Orienteering Championship 2023 with analyses of the performances and interviews with the most successful runners so far in the champs!
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12:37 - Gustav Bergman

Spring of 2023: Ups and downs and struggling with my shape

It has been a really nice spring with some fun races, but also some time spent at home with my family, escpecially in the early parts of the season. In general I am quite happy with my progress during ...
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12:10 - Elena Roos

Project23 | Elena Roos - Episodio 9

*Deutschsprachige Version weiter untenLultimo passo verso i Campionati del Mondo in casa sono le gare di selezione. Come è andata per me e quali sono state le mie emozioni, lo potete vedere nel ...
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04.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
15:44 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Less than one week remaining until WOC 2023 in Flims Laax

In one week, the WOC 2023 opening ceremony will take place.. Less than one week remaining until WOC 2023 in Flims Laax In less than a weeks time, the flags of 44 nations will be flying on the Meda ...
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01.07.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
18:11 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Big preview of Junior World Championship

We Are looking at all the interesting runners before the upcoming Junior World Championship and predict how will «run away» with the medals!
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30.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
22:11 - Joey Hadorn

Es isch Juli… Die Heim-WM steht vor der Tür

Die Selektion für die Heim WM ist geschafft. Seit dem Weltcup in Norwegen stand zwischendurch noch die Sprint SM, sowie zwei Skandinavien-Abenteuer auf dem Programm. Jetzt gilt aber der Fokus vol ...
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07:59 - Matthias Kyburz

Nach der Pflicht kommt die Kür

Das Warm-up der Saison ist vorbei, die Pflicht ist erfüllt. Nächster Programmpunkt: Die Kür! Diese wird eine besondere für mich: Die Heim-WM in Flims-Laax vom 11.-16. Juli! Ich wer ...
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29.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:00 - Ursula Kadan Facebook

Dear coaches, athletes and orienteering friends out there, th...

Dear coaches, athletes and orienteering friends out there, this might be interesting for you: The Austrian Orienteering Federation invites all interested people to join the 3rd International Orienteer ...
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28.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:48 - Elena Roos

A dream came true - un sogno che diventa realtà

I mondiali di CO si svolgono in Svizzera circa ogni 10 anni. Avendo iniziato a fare CO all’età di 11 anni, avrei già potuto vivere da spettatrice le emozioni dei mondiali a Rappers ...
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27.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
05:27 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

20% discount on seats

Standing room sold out, seats discounted for one week.. 20% discount on seats Standing room sold out, seats discounted for one week. In about two weeks, the 2023 World Orienteering Championships w ...
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00:29 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

EYOC, Swedish champs ultra long, Swiss selection races, O-fes...

All from the big(gest) races in the Orienteering World last week with analyses and predictions before selections!
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23.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
20:09 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Best of WOC 2023 videos

The best WOC 2023 videos to get you in the mood
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21.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:57 - Elena Roos

Project23 | Elena Roos - Episodio 8

*Deutschsprachige Version weiter untenNel nuovo episodio della mia serie vi porto in Engadina, dove mi sono preparata intensamente ai mondiali insieme al mio compagno, e vi racconto com’è ...
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20.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:33 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Jukola and Venla relays!

Analysing all about the Worlds biggest relays in Finland!
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14.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:46 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Preview Jukola relay

Big preview of the relay in Finland!
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00:19 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Preview Venla relay

Big preview of the Venla relay in Finland!
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13.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
07:52 - Ursula Kadan Facebook

Last Sunday we celebrated the first knock-out sprint competit...

Last Sunday we celebrated the first knock-out sprint competition in Austria - and I am happy I got the chance to be part of it! Of course I was not fighting for medals or even the final, but it was co ...
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12.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
13:18 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Excursion Rheinschlucht

On the rest day, take an excursion into the fascinating Rhine Gorge under expert guidance.. Excursion Rhine Gorge On the rest day, take an excursion into the fascinating Rhine Gorge under expert gui ...
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00:22 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

WOC selections, World champs in trail and uphill + national c...

Analysing WOC selections, looking at o-runners at World champs in trail and uphill, national champs in Czech Republic and Hungary + picking orienteer of the month in May!
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07.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
06:11 - Ursula Kadan Facebook

Dear World Cup Level Orienteers, please help me with my littl...

Dear World Cup Level Orienteers, please help me with my little study about 3000m times as an indicator for running capacity in international orienteering by completing this little survey: https://form ...
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00:48 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

WOC selection races in Switzerland!

More than 300 runners from about 30 nations were running WOC selection races in Switzerland this weekend. We analyse the races and predict some WOC-selections!
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06.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:08 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Test race III

Third and last test race in the Engadine.. Test race III Third and last test race in the Engadine. On Tuesday, 6 July, the orienteering world elite made a stop in the Lower Engadine: On the occasi ...
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04.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
17:44 - Colin Kolbe

Tiomila 2023 – Analyzing Teams

Analyzing this year´s 10Mila results together with current WRE-data.
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13:59 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Testlauf II

Zweiter Testlauf im Gebiet Salums in Laax.. Test race II Second test race in the area Salums in Laax. On Sunday, 4 June, the second official test race regarding the World Orienteering Championship ...
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03.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
16:35 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Test race I

Successful start to the test races in Flims.. Test race I Successful start to the test races in Flims. The start of the last month of preparations for the World Orienteering Championships has been m ...
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05:43 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Test races for the WOC

300 participants from 29 nations.. WOC 2023 Testraces Various nations use the test races for the World Orienteering Championships 2023 in the Flims Laax region. About one month before the World Ori ...
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01.06.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
12:42 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

Information Training

Please follow the rules!. Information Training Please follow the rules! Due to restrictions from the local government, training in the WOC-area needs to be handled with care. We therefore defined s ...
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07:54 - Elena Roos

Project23 | Elena Roos - Episodio 7

* Deutschsprachige Version weiter untenDalla frenesia dello sport di alto livello alla tranquillità del Ticino: scopri dove e come ricarico le batterie per essere pronta per nuove sfide!La seri ...
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04:53 - World Orienteering Championships 2023

WOC 2023 Sightseeing

7 Sightseeing hints around the WOC region. Sightseeing around the WOC region Thermal baths, gorges or zip lines: Graubnden offers a wide range of activities as a host. In about one and a half months ...
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31.05.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:08 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Swedish champs sprint, Finnish champs middle, Austrian champs...

A lot of national champs, some interesting news, jwoc selection in Switzerland and Norway + preview of WOC selection races for many Nations in Switzerland !
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23.05.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
01:09 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

10mila and Swedish League!

Big analyse of 10mila!
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17.05.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
11:22 - Colin Kolbe

Lost in season planning

After many weeks of almost problem-free winter training, I hit a bumb in the road. A quite unlucky timing lead to a missed season start, leaving me basically without much race experience so far this y ...
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16.05.2023 - Older news from all orienteering sites
00:43 - Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast

Preview 10mila mens relay

Big preview of the mens relay at 10mila
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WoO Calendar

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Mediterranean forests and ravines & a tricky village. Beautiful and technical maps! The 2022-edition received a lot of praise - will you join us in 2025?
3 stages in Italy and 2 stages in Slovenia. Superb terrain, Alpine setting. Remember the successful OOCup 2016 with the fascinating terrain around Laghi di Fusine, Italy? We are going back for great orienteering and holiday experiences!

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