
Lots of Elite Orienteers have excellent homepages. My problem has been that I wanted to read the news there as soon as it was published, but then I would have to check the pages several times a day - and most often I would be disappointed. Instead I ended up visiting the pages only once a week or once a month, and missed great stories when they were real news. My solution was to set up the new WorldofO - which collects the news from all the Elite Orienteers and other Orienteering sites out there, and places the top stories in one place.

I always link to the main page of the site instead of using a direct link to the news story for sites which want me to do this. News is presently collected every third hour - this should not at all pose a significant load to the sites in question. You can see which pages are included in WorldofO, and their status, at the status page.

The current version of is in its test phase, and be prepared that there may be unstabilities. Any considerations regarding improvements are welcomed.

If you want your site included or if there are problems with the ways news is collected from your site, please feel free to contact me at

Jan Kocbach

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SM rogaining (OPEN)Aug 25
50th Kalevi SuvejooksJul 25
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Mediterranean forests and ravines & a tricky village. Beautiful and technical maps! The 2022-edition received a lot of praise - will you join us in 2025?
3 stages in Italy and 2 stages in Slovenia. Superb terrain, Alpine setting. Remember the successful OOCup 2016 with the fascinating terrain around Laghi di Fusine, Italy? We are going back for great orienteering and holiday experiences!

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Colin Kolbe Still here, still loving orienteering (18.03 16:24)

Matthias Kyburz Sevilla Marathon (13.03 15:09)

Swedish O-Federation Skada på Baklid öppnar för Ståhl i v... (18.03 09:41)

Swiss Orienteering Henriette Radzikowski läuft Schweizer U20-Rekord über 10 K... (17.03 09:14)

Swedish O-Federation Dags att ranka sig inför säsongen 2025 (18.03 14:36)

Norwegian O-Federation Senior-EM og junior-VM i ski-o: «Vi har mange som kan kjemp... (19.03 04:00)

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Czech Orienteering Team BÅ™eznová víkendovka na VyskeÅ™i (17.03 19:23)

Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast Nordic Races and interview with Martin Regborn! (18.03 01:49)

Czech O-Federation Vrcholná svÄ›tová akce zakonÄí sezónu LOB ve Finsku (18.03 17:00)

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Swiss Orienteering Die sCOOL-Cup-Saison 2025 ist gestartet (18.03 13:13)

Norwegian O-Federation Følg ski-o EM og junior-VM live! (19.03 11:58)

Danish O-Federation DM Knock Out Sprint 2025 (17.03 15:04)

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Judith Wyder Facebook Ich freue mich sehr, dürfen wir in diesem Jahr 3 Trailrunni... (16.03 19:54)

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RF-Coach 🔥 Train Offensively – Even When Running Alone! (08.03 17:25)

Norwegian O-Federation Følg Halden o-meeting live! (14.03 11:00)

Team USA Team Trials 2025 – Never-ending Hills (16.03 19:15)

Sites included in 'World of O'