30.09: World of O World Cup Final 2024: Maps, Results and Splits AnalysisTove Alexandersson (Sweden) won both the long distance, the middle distance and anchored Sweden to...Read story | Main page |
25.09: World of O World Cup Final 2024: All You Need To KnowStarting with a long distance race on Thursday - and continuing with a middle distance on Saturday ...Read story | Main page |
29.09: Daniel Hubmann Facebook Finishing the season on a good 5th place in the overall ...Finishing the season on a good 5th place in the overall world cup! Not the best results here in Finl...Read story | Main page |
US Corn Maze Orienteering Champs… A highly sought after championship title! The Corn Maze Champs are a really special event that many people hope to attend each year. It’s always held at Mike’s Maze in Sunderland, ... |
Have you tried events.worldofo.com - events with maps & results? | Check out Page 2: More O-news than you ever wanted |
AZZURRI DI RITORNO DALLA FINLANDIA E PRONTI... 20241002-0927 - Italian O-Federation
Scuola dello Sport: Aperte le iscrizioni al... 20241001-1550 - Italian O-Federation
#WORLDCUP24: L\'ITALIA CHIUDE AL 14&Aci... 20240929-2350 - Italian O-Federation
Corso di formazione di base \'Orienteer... 20240927-1747 - Italian O-Federation
COPPA DEL MONDO: AZZURRI LONTANI DALLA TOP ... 20240926-1844 - Italian O-Federation
QUESTO WEEK END SI VA IN FRIULI CON ALCUNE ... 20240925-1000 - Italian O-Federation
MTB-O: LA STAFFETTA CI VEDE AL 7Â&de... 20240915-2007 - Italian O-Federation
Canada Extravaganza – NAOC 2024Wrapping up the competitions in Canada was NAOC! Read on to hear our (Jessica and Bridget’s) thoughts, along with responses from other National Team and Youth Development Program athletes! Also, ... |
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06/10 | |
Ungdomsserien StOF @ Orienterare (16:19) | Live orientering, tips p& @ Orienterare (10:19) |
Old maps ryeland @ Nopesport (09:40) | Landslaget 2025 @ Orienterare (08:21) |
Strava down? @ Attackpoint (03:18) | Strategies for Skipping C @ Attackpoint (02:38) |
Select Analyses of Canadian Champs MiddleIn early August, several US team and YDP members wandered into the great city of Mansfield, ON to spook the Canadians at their own championships in preparation for NAOC. The middle and long were WREs, ... |
Studying up: World University ChampsA note from the editor: This will likely be longer than your average blog post. I have condensed and taken creative liberties from our wonderful young athletes. But if you didn’t want them to write, ... |
Rated BG: WUOC PreparationsThe BGinning Editor’s note: Alex and Diana, the two NT members you’ll hear from in this blog post, attended the Gabrovo / Bulgaria Cup as preparation for WUOC (World University Orienteering ... |
Juniors Take ItalyThis month, six young members of Team USA travelled to Trentino, Italy for a week-long training camp in the JWOC 2025 terrain. The goals of the training camp were to practice specific orienteering ski ... |
Sprinting ’round EdinburghJuly 8th – Evalin Some of the team (Evalin, Ricardo, Joe, Kieran) arrived in Edinburgh on July 7th and settled into a hostel near Haymarket. We started our training the next morning with some co ... |
PNWOF 2024Read on for some athlete recaps of races from this year’s Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival, which was 9 days of orienteering in Washington and Montana in the end of June. Huge thank you t ... |
Young Leaders AcademyEditor’s note: Apologies for the lack of post last week, there were some technical difficulties (read: dead computer, no charger, and lots of travel on everyone’s part). To make up for it, ... |
Czeching Our Control CodesAlex Merka This year’s JWOC occurred in the Czech Republic (I refuse to call it Czechia). WOC 2021 and last year’s World Cup round 2 were held here, too, but in vastly different terrains. This tim ... |
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Norwegian O-Federation Oppsettet for O-sport Norgescup i 2025! (05.10 03:00)
World of O World Cup Final 2024: Maps, Results and Splits Analysis (30.09 09:35)
Austrian O-Federation Bundesheerleistungssport: Neue Vertrge und CISM-Teilnahme (05.10 16:35)
Daniel Hubmann Facebook Finishing the season on a good 5th place in the overall worl... (29.09 14:18)
Swedish O-Federation Starkt svenskt landslag uttaget inför 2025 (03.10 11:34)
Danish O-Federation rets sidste DM str for dren (04.10 19:07)
Danish O-Federation Holdet til World Cup afslutningen i Finland er udtaget (18.09 06:56)
Norwegian O-Federation Oppsettet for O-sport Norgescup i 2025! (05.10 03:00)
World of O World Cup Final 2024: Maps, Results and Splits Analysis (30.09 09:35)
Swedish O-Federation SM i Natt och Stafett i Precisionsorientering avgörs ti... (04.10 13:31)
O-news.cz Sloupek reprezentantky – Viktorie Škchov (04.10 18:19)
Czech Orienteering Team SP FINSKO: nročn zvěr sezny 2024 (04.10 15:24)
Danish O-Federation rets sidste DM str for dren (04.10 19:07)
Swedish O-Federation Starkt svenskt landslag uttaget inför 2025 (03.10 11:34)
World of O World Cup Final 2024: Maps, Results and Splits Analysis (30.09 09:35)
Swedish O-Federation Starkt svenskt landslag uttaget inför 2025 (03.10 11:34)
Norwegian O-Federation Oppsettet for O-sport Norgescup i 2025! (05.10 03:00)
Daniel Hubmann Facebook Finishing the season on a good 5th place in the overall worl... (29.09 14:18)
On The Red Line 2024 World Cup Final (30.09 18:40)
Martin Hubmann Facebook Wrapping up the orienteering season with mixed emotions. Sta... (30.09 19:34)
Swedish O-Federation SM i Natt och Stafett i Precisionsorientering avgörs ti... (04.10 13:31)
Swedish O-Federation Brons i stafetten på JEC (30.09 05:52)
Swedish O-Federation Växjö – värdstad för Sprint-SM 20... (01.10 11:00)
Norwegian O-Federation rets verdenscupsesong gir mye bygge videre p! (30.09 20:06)
Swedish O-Federation Suverän svensk världscupavslutning (30.09 11:48)
Finnish Orienteering Federation Viestiliiga ratkeaa sunnuntain finaalissa Salossa (03.10 07:04)
International O-Federation Sweden takes the Team World Cup title after thrilling relay ... (29.09 16:25)
Swiss Orienteering Jetzt anmelden: Swiss O-Fest 2024 in Mnsingen (01.10 05:00)
RF-Coach Unleashing Your potential: 📆 Periodization in Orienteerin... (01.10 14:32)
Swedish O-Federation SkidO - Anmälan öppen till Rikslägret vinter (02.10 18:19)
Swedish O-Federation Jobb för unga under höstlovet (04.10 08:14)
International O-Federation Follow the Finnish relay league final on IOF TV Sunday (02.10 12:12)
Czech O-Federation Vběrov řzen na pořadatele Celosttnho finle ... (30.09 05:00)
Norwegian O-Federation Aldri mer kjedelige mter! (01.10 03:00)
Norwegian O-Federation Meld deg p Sunn idrett-konferansen 2024 n! (04.10 03:00)
Ivarnational Orienteering Podcast World Cup Final and Junior European Cup! (02.10 00:07)
Swiss Orienteering Der OL ist zurck am Talent Treff Tenero (30.09 05:00)
Finnish Orienteering Federation Huippusuunnistuksen lajianalyysi on pivitetty (18.09 12:17)
Swedish O-Federation Erika Källvik Leufvén ersätter Andrea Svensso... (18.09 14:23)
Australian O-Federation
Austrian O-Federation
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Susen Lösch
International O-Federation
World Cup Idre Fjll 2021
World Orienteering Championships 2023
Dan Chissick - Israel
Alessio Tenani
Italian O-Federation
Bedriftsorientering Hordaland
Halden SK Elite
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Tim Robertson Facebook
Vinogradov Blog
Daniel Hubmann
Daniel Hubmann Facebook
Elena Roos
Florian Howald
Florian Schneider
Joey Hadorn
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Martin Hubmann
Martin Hubmann Facebook
Matthias Kyburz
Natalia Gemperle
Swiss O-Week
Swiss Orienteering
Fredrik Johansson
Göran Winblad
Gustav Bergman
Martin Regborn
Swedish O-Federation
Tove Alexandersson
Team USA