Cslg Melun Section Course d'Orientation Site of CSLG Melun club this club is at 50 km at the south of Paris and train in a famous Fontainebleau forest. (Clubs, France)
French O'Federation Contacts, events, rankings, news from the French O'Fed (O-Federation, France)
Le Raid Orient'Alpin MultiSports Raid Event organized every year by Orient'Alp (Other orienteering related, France)
Midi-Pyrenees local orienteering clubs (Clubs, France)
OZone, French juniors team ( ou.... The team mais en mieux!) (Homepage of orienteers, France)
OZone, French juniors team ( certes ça ne vaut pas TheTeam... mais bon on fait ce qu'on peut !) (Homepage of orienteers, France)