WOC 2006 venues and detailed satelite pictures

The main site of WOC 2006 is in Århus in Denmark. In the map you can see the venues of the different competitions on an interactive map. You can zoom in to the venues, and also change the map type to satellite map. Note that the quality of the satelite maps from Google are not the best - but better photos are also provided below to give you a feeling with what will meet the runners in Denmark.

Follow this link to continue to the map.

WOC 2006 Program
Sa 29/7 10.00 Middle Qual
Su 30/7 10.00 Long Qual
Tu 1/7 09.00 Sprint Qual
Tu 1/7 16.50 Sprint Final
We 2/7 14.00 Long Final
Fr 4/7 10.00 Middle Final
Sa 5/711.30Relay