
Last updated: probably today. Number of visitors since 24.01.95 : .

Click on a place on the map, and get info on the orienteering-map that is closest to the point. The maps in the Bergen-area are marked with blue circles and a number. Not all of the maps are in the program yet, and only a few (8, all are not readable yet) maps are scanned in at present. But more are to come soon. This page is under constuction. There might be some errors (Please tell me if you find any).

Here are the map-names (maps marked with a star are scanned in):

  1. Lindaas
  2. Nordre Askoey
  3. Storaasen
  4. Kolbeinsvarden
  5. Brenneklubben
  6. Storsaata
  7. Munkebotn
  8. Floeyen
  9. Isdalen(*)
  10. Ulriken(*)
  11. Lyderhorn
  12. Kanadaskogen
  13. Alvoen
  14. Lovstakken(*)
  15. Dyngeland
  16. Sandsli
  17. Ytrebygda
  18. Stendskogen(*)
  19. Smoeraasen(*)
  20. Myrdalen Totland(*)
  21. Frotveit
  22. Solbakkefjell(*)
  23. Kalandseid(*)
  24. Fanafjell Oest(*)
  25. Fanafjell Vest
  26. Endelausmarka
  27. Roedlien
  28. Liafjell
  29. Vardefjell(*)
  30. Fitjavatn Aust(*)
  31. Fitjavatn Vest(*)
  32. Vardeggi
  33. Kyrkjetangen(*)(without description)
  34. Varden Skole(*)(without description)
  35. Ulriksbanen(*)(without description)

Jan Kocbach: Jan.Kocbach@fi.uib.no