Grouping - DM/BRL Weekend June 2008

Explanation of the figures

Colored boxes show that two runners have been within 15 seconds of each other at a control. Boxes in the same color show that two runners are together. In each box, the position the runner has at this control is shown. The runner who is first in the pack is marked with bold. Also, a tooltip is shown which shows how much a runner is behind.

Being within 15 seconds of each other does not necessarily mean that the runners get help from each other for the orienteering or to keep up higher speed - but if two runners are within 15 seconds of each other in a large part of the course, it indicates that at least one of the runners has gained time due to the grouping.

These types of graphs are especially interesting in order to find out if a spreading method should have been applied in a race - and how spreading methods work if they have been applied.